公開メモ DXM 1977 ヒストリエ



2024-02-09 08:00:00 | 今日のトランプ





  1. ^ Pieces of History: General Robert E. Lee's Parole and Citizenship
  2. ^ President Carter signs bill restoring Jefferson Davis citizenship
  3. ^ 17/10/1978 - Pres Carter signs bill restoring Jefferson Davis citizenship
watching the important today I thought it was very, very beautiful process. I hope that democracy of this country will continue because right now we have a very, very tough situation with all of the radical left ideas with the weaponization of politics and weaponized it like it's never been weaponized before. It's totally illegal, but they do it anyway. And it has to stop every one of the court cases and I'm involved every single one civil, whether it's the Attorney General's or the district attorney's you look at Fani Georgia, they had many meetings with the White House and with the DOJ, and what their eight hour meetings was all staged, that was a phony hoax, and now you're looking at it and it is a very hoax. Hopefully that case will be dismissed in short order and so it's a disgrace that this country, but they work together with the Justice Department and the White House and not supposed to do that. Every one of these cases you see comes out of the White House, it comes out of Biden it's election interference, and it's really very sad. I thought the presentation today was a very good one. I think it was well received. I hope it was well received. You have millions of people that are out there wanting to vote, and they happen to want to vote for me or Republican Party, whatever you want to however you want to phrase it.
But I'm the one running and we are leading in every poll. We're leading in the local polls in the state polls, and we're leading in swing state polls. And we're leading very big in the national poll. So it's been a very great honor.

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