New York: A 2009 settlement agreement between the late American financier Jeffrey Epstein and Virginia Giuffre, which bears directly on Giuffre’s civil lawsuit accusing Britain’s Prince Andrew of sexual abuse, will be made public early next week.
In a joint order on Wednesday (Tuesday AEDT), US District Judges Lewis Kaplan and Loretta Preska in Manhattan ordered the agreement’s release on or about January 3, 2022, finding no reason to keep it under seal.
ニューヨークにて 英国のアンドリュー王子の性的虐待を告発したジュフレVirginia Giuffre氏の民事訴訟に直接関係する、米国の金融業者である故ジェフリー・エプスタイン氏とバージニア・ジュフレ氏の2009年の和解契約書が、来週初めに公開されることになりました。
「アンドリュー王子は、子供である原告に、彼女の意志に反してアンドリュー王子との性交渉を強要した」と、以前はヴァージニア・ロバーツとして知られていたジュフレVirginia Giuffreの訴状には書かれています。
プレスカ氏は、ハーバード大学ロースクールのアラン・ダーショイッツ教授が、エプスタインに性交渉を強要された男性の中に自分も含まれていたというジュフレの主張を否定したことで、彼女の名誉を傷つけたとするジュフレVirginia Giuffreの訴訟を監督しています。
王子の弁護士であるアンドリュー・ブレットラーは、エプスタインとの2009年の和解は「王族」を対象としているため、ヨーク公はジュフレの訴訟から責任を免れたと主張していますが、エプスタインはジュフレVirginia Giuffreが訴訟を起こす可能性のある人物を対象とするよう主張していました。
Giuffre氏の弁護士であるDavid Boies氏は、この和解が適用されるのは、エプスタイン氏が自宅を構えていたフロリダでの基礎的な訴訟に関与していた人々が「せいぜい」であり、アンドリュー氏はこの和解を「刑務所から出られるフリーカード」として使うべきではないと反論しました。
アンドリューは、犯罪の容疑をかけられていません。ジュフレVirginia Giuffreの民事訴訟は、不特定の損害賠償を求めています。ギスレイン・マックスウェルは、性売買の5つの罪で有罪となりました。
カプラン氏は、2022年1月4日にジュフレVirginia Giuffreのアンドリュー王子に対する訴訟を棄却するかどうかの口頭弁論を行う予定です。
ジュフレVirginia Giuffreのもう1人の弁護士であるシグリッド・マコーリー氏は、声明の中でこの主張を「バージニア・ジュフレが提起した重大な訴訟の法的メリットをアンドリュー王子が避けようとする一連の疲れた試みの1つ」と呼んだ。
Plus, it should be noted, the jury in New York believed Carolyn's testimony wholeheartedly. Maxwell was convicted unanimously on five of the six charges against her.
Four of the guilty verdicts were underpinned by allegations made by Carolyn. The most serious of them, of child sex trafficking a minor, applied to Carolyn alone, and carries a maximum 40-year jail term.
A juror this week broke cover to reveal how members had been split initially as they deliberated over some of the charges, but none of them ever doubted Carolyn.
Today, Carolyn seems older than her 35 years. The clear brown eyes of the 16-year-old Carolyn – the age when she was a regular visitor to Epstein's Palm Beach mansion – are the same, but smiles are a rare commodity nowadays.
A striking, 5ft 9ins, larger-than-life character, with a mane of dyed red curls, and a penchant for chunky jewellery, you sense the 'tough cookie' exterior is a shield she's worn for a very long time.
There is a brief thaw when she hears how the jury trusted her every word: 'I'm glad they believed me, and that it was wrong what Maxwell did to me. I had a voice and it was heard.
'It's so important because I have my own daughters now. Every day I think about whether there's someone who's going to put them in the situation I was in. I live with fear for my girls.'
It's fair to say Carolyn has had a hard life. Her suffering didn't end when she found herself – aged 18 and a single mother – no longer to Epstein's tastes, and duly redundant.
In the intervening years, she's worked as a stripper and escort, spent 52 days in prison for fraud, been addicted to drugs and drink, and suffered mental health issues. She takes a cocktail of medication just to get through the day.
'I was in the sex industry. It was easy. That was what I was taught, and I figured it was the easiest way to get money for the drugs. I felt worthless. I felt like I was just put here on Earth to be used and abused sexually. I looked at myself in the mirror one time and just cried and cried,' she says.
'There's no amount of money in this world that will ever mend what was stolen – my innocence as a child by Maxwell and Epstein who had been in cahoots for God knows how many years. I have children and I know as a mother, and as a woman, there's no way in Hell I could ever do something along the lines of what Maxwell has done.'
Curiously, however, when it comes to what allegedly happened between Virginia and Prince Andrew, she has little sympathy for her former friend. 'I don't think she [Virginia] deserves any compensation. I don't think she was coerced into doing anything.'
Although she believed her friend's account at the time, Carolyn adds: 'I don't think Virginia deserves anything less than what Maxwell is getting because she trafficked me into a world of spiralling downward slopes and it has taken my husband John 12 long years to get me to love myself again.'
A vulnerable child with a troubled past and chaotic homelife, Carolyn was just 13 when she met Virginia Roberts. She'd dropped out of school and moved to Florida from New York.
Her mother was an alcoholic and a drug addict, and she'd been abused by her grandmother's partner when she was four.
With a mother who pretty much 'let her do what she wanted', Carolyn started dating a 17-year-old called Shawn – who was friends with Virginia's boyfriend, Tony – when she was 13.
She remembers Virginia as 'bubbly and friendly'. 'She had a way of making me feel comfortable and I trusted her. We became friends and right away I thought she would have my best interests, no matter what, at heart. She knew how old I was, and she knew I came from a broken home.'
Virginia would pick Carolyn up from school and the four of them used to 'hang out and smoke pot'. 'I felt pretty damned good about it because everybody else had to walk home or their mum or dad came to pick them up. But I had a pretty friend, who was older, with a car. I thought I was pretty cool for being her friend.'
Carolyn described to the court how Virginia had asked her if she'd like to 'go and make some money'. All she had to do was go to a friend's house in Palm Beach and give him a massage. The 'friend' was Jeffrey Epstein, and his house was the beachside mansion, where girls were regularly enticed to tend to his insatiable needs.
'At 14 years old, I was big breasted and I definitely could pass for 21 when I was made up. I did my own make-up but Virginia gave me clothes. She gave me these really tight skimpy shorts with a spaghetti strap top with all my cleavage hanging out.
'She just said whatever you do, don't say your age. And I didn't even ask why. I went along with it.'
ギスレーン・マックスウェル、6件中5件で有罪!!!! 🚨🚨🚨
JUSTICEは果たされたのだ 彼女は鳥のように歌ったと信じるのが一番だ!
ありがとう、イエス様!!! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
この投稿は「The Storm Has Arrived 17」に捧げます。
そうすれば、次の選挙(2022年)のとき、2020年が「固定」でなかったにもかかわらず、その人たちの多くが投票するだろう。そうすれば、共産党が "選ばれ続ける "ことが保証される。
2020年の選挙に投票するんだ そうでなければ、2022年にあなたの一票はカウントされない。コンピューターによる不正な投票システムのせいで、この20年間はカウントされていない。
Just sayin'です。
Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸"
This post is dedicated to The Storm Has Arrived 17:
“If I were a RINO Republican/Democrat/Communist and wanted to kill a grassroots movement of American Patriots, how would I do that?
I’d probably find & insert infiltrators (wolves in sheep’s clothing) into that movement and have them push the narrative “Keep Voting in a Rigged Election System!!!”
Then when the next election comes around (2022), a lot of those people will vote even though 2020 wasn’t “fixed”. That would insure the Commies keep getting “selected.”
Don’t fall for it, frens. Lots of frauds being exposed.
If you keep voting in rigged elections, 2022 is gonna be a COMMUNIST RED TSUNAMI.
Vote vote vote if we FIX 2020!!! Otherwise your vote will not count in 2022. It has not counted for the last 20 years due to the computer cheat voting systems.
Just sayin.’
Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸”
DARRYL JOHN KENNEDY personally shared his video message from Veterans Day with us through a personal comment which deserves it’s own Post! He sure sounds like our sorely missed, courageous and well loved President John Fitzgerald Kennedy
Washington DC is unraveling by the minute.
Only the military at this point can implement the necessary maneuvers to stabilize what is happening.
Throughout history, the human race has witnessed war upon war, which placed one nation against another.
Unknown 0:21
Many citizens believe that these events have been caused by class warfare, religion, or political ideology.
The world is now beginning to realize that most events were only a false front for globalist bankers in wealthy families to consolidate power.
Documents from the military, global think tanks and alternative media have verified these facts.
Americans are by nature a competent thinking people. However, there are some in our society, who are now consumed by cognitive dissonance. They are not intellectually woke, but intellectually broke.
Should this woke disease of the mind infect the rest of our citizens, America may Tailspin into cultural mediocrity.
When people hear words like global governance, they believe it to be something put together by intelligent leaders for the benefit of all humanity.
The reality is quite different.
Global Governance means a complete destruction of the sovereignty of nations, destruction of cultural norms, religion and economy. It is in a word, global slavery.
The men who have brought this chaos upon the world are not philosophers. They are financial parasites, who hide behind titles such as central banker, oil company, executive and members of wealthy families.
They call themselves elite Elite is a noble word, it conveys a superior class of sophistication.
However, calling financial oligarchs Elite is repugnant to reason for their actions are not ones of benevolence and grace but deception and coercion.
Royalty is also a title given unto themselves. It is not bestowed upon them by the citizens. The only power they possess is when the people allow themselves to be their servants.
Their goal is not a promotion of society, but a control of society.
Millions throughout history have suffered from this narcissistic psychosis of the divine right of kings.
Their global opinion, however, is based on some facts, which have credibility and Credence. And for this, we should as well learn and understand as they see it, the more humans on Earth have less resources for them, and the less control they have the population has increased to nearly 8 billion, and they see no other way to stop this rate of expansion.
They have been attempting to reduce that rate through wars, depressions and pandemics all cloaked in the form of security, but are in fact advanced nanotechnology and sterilization techniques for this is well documented.
Although their approach is genocidal in scope, they believe it is at present the only method to halt the population expansion.
At this point, it is a race to complete their artificial intelligence and transhuman agenda. Many worldwide are protesting this insanity in the minds of these influential men, they believe that they are doing the right thing but it is not their children who may be sterilized. It is yours.
At the top of this fanatical pyramid are just a handful of wealthy shriveled up old men. They know that to keep their power, they must pass it down. To their family.
Americans should ask, can we govern ourselves and live with less material resources? History has demonstrated that many times humanity does not seek the high road of spirituality nor higher philosophical insights, but can be greedy beyond measure.
We can blame this new world order for enveloping humanity in this web of slavery. That is their madness.
But to purchase smartphones for six year old children is humanity's madness.
So where does America go from here?
It seems that we are faced with a choice. We can either stay financially imprisoned, using their fiat currencies, continuing fighting their self created wars and paying their 30% interest or we can reclaim our American national sovereignty and arrest them.
But after arresting them for their crimes against humanity, would Americans really be free? Know if we cannot create a new sense of American identity and see the importance of protecting this planet? Using a global perspective. There will be other financial wolves who simply fill in their place. And we'll be right back to this problem. In 20 years.
Many Americans are hoping for a mystical political force to ride into the nation on a white horse, a Savior from the past. I submit that the intelligence agencies have created many such saviors. Some have been preachers, journalists and politicians. How many of these actors have actually saved America? I say this not to discourage but to insist that we use proper judgment.
Where human benefits can be measured. There is success or there are photo opportunities there is only the illusion and appearance of success.
I wish to now speak to those wealthy families who have created the present world in which we live.
There was a time when the foundation of your global concepts had some credence, your support of great artists during the Renaissance, the movement of capital into the forms of libraries, concert halls and universities were well conceived financial projects for humanity. People of all ages profited from your support.
It was when implementing your greed and using the Federal Reserve as a means of American enslavement through usury, that your concepts became unsound.
Leaving the gold standard was the first error the second was invading the Middle East. And the third and most catastrophic was this lockstep pandemic, which by your own documents you created before 2017 Well before the appearance of this current lockdown.
This last effort was an act of desperation. And although your attempts to control the narrative have been somewhat effective, too many in the public, have now awoken to your agenda.
No matter how strong the appearance of truth may be promoted in the mainstream media, because you own it, we must now reject it. As public awareness grows, people will start to rebel. I urge you to stop this reckless and clandestine behavior before humanity through its need for basic survival. We'll be forced to destroy you.
It is futile for any government leader to now hide behind the veil of secrecy to protect the globalist motives. The Wizards curtain has been pulled back and events are revealing everyone's identities.
There are those who say that if the military creates martial law, that promoting higher culture will be proven to be a hopeless cause that creates the opinion that every attempt at real peace is doomed because a military takeover will always be the end result. That conclusion, I also reject for I do not equate militarism with patriotism.
Although martial law is not the best option. It may well have to be the first step. But let us not make it the last.
To those who might ask, why am I expressing my thoughts and feelings?
I would answer that I have nothing to gain by speaking to the American people. My overseas work for 30 years speaks on its own merit. I am not a prophet, nor mystical figure, but only a well traveled and self educated man. I speak to the world as someone who has seen the world and met people of influence. As a cultural ambassador. I have worked with statesmen and worked also with the poor and starving in the streets. I've created beautiful music as a composer and shared beautiful smiles with 1000s of young people around the globe.
I sail the seas, explored the jungles, climb mountains, and traveled across deserts of this magnificent planet.
I've witnessed revolutions and walk through both concentration camps and sacred temples. I've seen both the worst and the best of humanity's actions.
It will be up to the listeners to decide whether my thoughts and actions have real words and speak the truth.
The question is not whether we can rebel in the streets at this time. But should we our motives should always be towards justice, and never revenge.
However, either way, our actions will decide the military's actions so let us be sure of our commitments. We cannot afford this time to be wrong.
The globalists believe that Americans are no different than any other nationality. But we Americans are not born into a slaughterhouse of failure. We are not sheep waiting to be led.
When I despair, I think of how Samuel Adams must have failed when observing the proud citizens of Boston being slaughtered in the streets by the British soldiers. On behalf of King George.
This was the catalyst for the American Revolution, which decided once and for all, independence. Many brothers in arms followed you and those men changed the world.
We are now facing a new menace to liberty. This time. The enemies of freedom are not Redcoats with rifles, but lab coats with needles.
Aristotle wrote that wicked men obey from fear a great man from love.
Throughout our history, there have been great times of turmoil, which have turned ordinary people into extraordinary Americans. Like a young farmer and writer into Thomas Jefferson, or a helpless girl, born deaf and blind into Helen Keller, or avoid delivering mail into pilot, Charles Lindbergh.
These individuals exemplify the very best of the American experience.
Yet, we can all share in the potential for greatness. If we are not afraid to reach it.
Leadership must demonstrate our worth to nations overseas for the freedoms which we have forced upon others to posting us now before it's upon us to practice through the intellectual power of like minded patriots. We shall not be helpless in this task.
This violent global storm against our national sovereignty a approach us in the coming months.
It may test whether our American voices will become the world's voice.
We ask for God's wisdom and through brave leadership, fulfill our promise to protect that most sacred and noble idea of which our founders also pledged the United States of America.
Therefore, that would be written into history, that in the 21st century, the menace of global tyranny was finally defeated. By the three greatest words ever to be written by man.
We are people
Transcribed by https://otter.ai
[This note may be incomplete because it was