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Another Elite Sex Trafficking Victim Speaks Out on Stew Peters

2021-12-04 13:03:00 | カウンター・グレートリセット

追補 2023/06/28
















またしてもエリートの人身売買被害者がStew Petersに語ってくれました。

またしてもエリートのセックス・トラフィッキング被害者がStew Petersについて語る
タップニュース / ウィーバー








バッキンガム宮殿の周辺で観光客が撮影したとされる3分間のビデオには、裸のティーンエイジャーが窓から飛び出してくる様子が収められていたので、読者の皆さんはご存知かもしれません。2019年のCovert Geopoliticsの記事「EXPOSED」に掲載された動画付きの簡単なレポートをご覧ください。Child Escaping from Buckingham Palace Naked(バッキンガム宮殿から裸で脱出する子供)。


さて、Stew PetersはAlly Carterの話を取り上げ、少し前のMadyson Marquetteの時よりもむしろ同情的な扱いをしています。MarquetteはBidenを加害者の一人として挙げていたが、Ashley Biden diariesはまだ明らかにされていなかった。


マディソン・マケットは、さまざまな公式の場所で行われているとされるディープステートの人物の軍事法廷で何度も証言したと主張している。これらの法廷の証拠はまだ開示される必要がある。彼女の話は、カーターやアーチャーのものと同じようなプレイブックを明らかにしている。それらの動画の中で、彼女はジョー・バイデンやジョージ・ソロスなどの名前を挙げており、その中には福音派の人物やハリウッド俳優も含まれています。カーターは、バイデンやオバマの名前も呼び、ジャネット・アーチャーも主張しているように、バッキンガム宮殿に連れて行かれたと主張しています。マディソンについては、このビデオ(Carmen Smith StuderのYoutubeチャンネルにある「They Picked the Wrong Girls」)をご覧ください。


このビデオのためにStew Petersが提供している紹介文の一部を紹介します。






彼女は、オバマ、バイデン、ミシェル、スティーブン・タイラーと性的関係を持ったと主張している。カーターは、多くの場所であらゆる交通機関が入っている地下トンネルについて語っています。彼女はジョー・バイデンに「複数回」、「フェラチオとセックス」のために売られました。「私のような人は何百万人もいる。私よりずっと悪い人が何百万人もいるのよ」。彼女は "若さの泉 "を作るために血を抜かれた子供たちについて言及しているが、これはおそらくアドレノクロムの生産について言及しているのだろう。「人々は多くの病的なフェチを持っています。ハリウッドのエリートたちは、私たちが毎日彼らの給料を受け取っています。彼らは病んでいて、邪悪な人間なのです」。
彼女は、里親になった子供たちに対する当局の態度や、彼らの自尊心がどのようにして壊れるように仕向けられているかを明らかにしています。彼女は1年間に19の高校に通い、1ヶ月以上滞在したことはありませんでした。"私は一度も家庭に入ったことがありませんでした。" 誰もこの問題に取り組もうとしなかったため、彼女はスルーされてしまったのです。彼女自身の養母は、この問題に対処するためにさまざまな法律家に相談に行っていましたが、頭がおかしいということにされてシャットアウトされてしまいました。カーターはいつも「気が狂っている」と扱われていましたが、身体的危害の証拠を示して家に戻っていました。CPSは隠蔽体質で、子供を売買する機関です。ソーシャルワーカーの中には腐敗していない人もいますが、声を上げることができません。警察にもフリーメーソンの要素があり、このような活動を保護しています。カーターと養母は、1年以上も継続して嫌がらせを受けています。


Another Elite Sex Trafficking Victim Speaks Out on Stew Peters
Tap News / Weaver

ER Editor: It would appear that victim reports of elite pedophilia rings on a global scale are beginning to gain traction. That in itself is curious as these stories, no matter how shocking and believable, no matter how much in the public interest, never see the light of day, with stories of whistleblowers being continuously stalked and threatened, or killed (e.g. UK journalist Jill Dando). The infamous Jimmy Savile debacle in the UK only got revealed once he was dead; other figures associated with the decades-old story were either dead (e.g. Cyril Smith), terminally ill quite out of the blue (Leon Britten) or incapable of testifying due to ‘Alzheimer’s’ (Lord Janner), etc. A few celebrities went down after this but never top politicians, and NEVER the Royals. That was the natural order of things.


A little while ago we published the video of UK trafficking victim Jeanette Archer speaking on a megaphone to a small crowd for an entire 50 minutes outside Windsor Castle – with police visible in the distance – as she cogently points fingers at this elite pedophile ring. Which she claims involved the Queen and Prince Philip, as well as locations such as Windsor Castle itself, Balmoral and Buckingham Palace. That she was able to do so without being stopped almost immediately and taken away is very indicative that likely the Queen is no longer with us. This is a 180 degree turn around from the Savile days. See –

Survivor Jeanette Archer Speaks Out About Satanic Ritual Abuse of Children [VIDEO].


Readers may be familiar with a 3-minute video taken ostensibly by a tourist around Buckingham Palace, which captured a naked teenager scrambling out of one of its windows. See this brief report with video from a 2019 Covert Geopolitics post, EXPOSED: Child Escaping from Buckingham Palace Naked.


Now Stew Peters has picked up the story of Ally Carter, and gives her rather more sympathetic treatment than he did with Madyson Marquette some time ago. Marquette named Biden as one of her perpetrators but the Ashley Biden diaries had not yet been revealed.

It is clear that Peters credits Ashley Biden’s plausible diary with giving credibility to stories such as Carter’s. This is surely retrospectively true for Marquette’s.

Madyson Marquette claims to have testified many times at the military tribunals of deep state figures allegedly taking place in a variety of official locations. Evidence for these tribunals still needs to be disclosed. Her story reveals the same kind of playbook that Carter’s or Archer’s does. In those videos, she mentions names like Joe Biden and George Soros, among others, including evangelical figures and Hollywood actors. Carter invokes the name of Biden, too, and Obama, and claims she was taken to Buckingham Palace as Jeanette Archer also claims. See this video (“They Picked the Wrong Girls” on Carmen Smith Studer’s Youtube channel) for Madyson.

Why these stories are getting exposure now, at this time, is entirely up for speculation but somehow the tide seems to be turning. Finally.

Here is some of the introduction Stew Peters provides for this video:

Our next guest may have the wildest personal story we’ve ever heard.

Ally Carter grew up in the school of hard knocks, to say the least. She was one of six girls in a troubled home. Her parents were affiliated with the Black Panthers, the radical black separatist group. Maybe that’s to blame for what happened to her.

Ally says that her biological mother routinely slept with authority figures, and soon initiated her own children into the same practices. Ally said her mom would hand her over to be abused by the local police chief. She would take her to a trap house, just to be abused. When she coped with the pain by running away or harming herself, she was rewarded by being placed in new foster care homes, where instead of her mother it was teenage boys and foster fathers who abused her.


Here are some points raised in the video:

(intro) Peters: ‘Ashley Biden’s diary is real’. Peters reviews her childhood history. Ally Carter tried to post her story on Instagram in July 2020, but was blocked on account of the upcoming election.
She was trafficked through many elite places, including Buckingham Palace and the Getty Museum in LA (underground) and Hollywood parties, while being under the care of Child Protection Services (CPS).
Her mother started this life for her. CPS were called constantly from the age of 3 months. At the age of 13, after a suicide attempt, CPS entered the picture: she was put in a mental hospital, then into foster care. A pimp, whom CPS officially labelled a ‘boyfriend’, was trafficking her services and CPS knew this. She was even taken out of the country by this man and was told to keep quiet about it by social workers. She claims that while we know the big names in this business (she names Biden, Obama, Michelle Obama, and Stephen Tyler among others), we need to pay attention to people at far lower levels. “I was trafficked to people within my schools. I was trafficked in underground tunnels that link under your schools, through your cemeteries, under your amusement parks, through Universal Studios and into Hollywood elite homes, all over the place, all over the world. People can’t fathom that … there are 200 children missing, and there’s 300 children missing … how many times do you receive an amber alert every year? … People don’t want to face it…”
She claims to have had sexual encounters with Obama, Biden, Michelle and Stephen Tyler. Carter talks about the underground tunnels containing all sorts of transportation in many locales. She was sold to Joe Biden ‘multiple times’, for ‘blow jobs and sex’. ‘There are millions just like me. There are millions far worse than me.’ She alludes to children getting their blood drained for creating a ‘fountain of youth’, presumably referring to adrenochrome production. “People have many sick fetishes, and the Hollywood elite, we sign their paychecks every single day – when you stream their music, when you buy something from their brands … their image is not what you think it is. They’re sick, evil people.”
She reveals the attitude of the authorities toward kids in foster care and how their self-esteem is conditioned to be broken. She attended 19 high schools in a single year, and never stayed in a place longer than a month. “I was never in a home.” She was passed on because nobody wanted to deal with the problem. Her own adoptive mother had gone to various legal figures to address the problem, but she was shut down and made out to be crazy. Carter was always dealt with as ‘crazy’ yet would go back to her homes showing evidence of physical harm. CPS is a cover up, an agency that trades in children. Some social workers are not corrupt but cannot speak up. Police have a freemason component, too, which protects this kind of activity. Carter and her adoptive mother have been harassed continually for well over a year.
Carter has lots of evidence of her claims in the form of reports, rape kits, videos, etc. that nobody wants to see.
“MK Ultra and DID exist”. MK Ultra is used on Hollywood elites. It’s part of the control matrix; it’s like having a remote control over someone’s life and nobody knows who’s pushing the buttons.
She claims staff in her schools were complicit in what was happening because she would be taken to school, then picked up by her pimp for the day. Yet the teachers would sign her as being present. Many people in the school were notified of the problem, and social workers documented it, but nobody acted on it.
Why are cops, investigators and federal agents ignoring this? ‘Because they’re all customers.’ Everybody’s worried about people at the top, but people around us at the local level are complicit. The good people don’t dare to speak out because, aside from losing their jobs, they can be harassed continually for the rest of their lives.
Peters: ‘We’ve all heard about these tunnels’ since the start of the Trump presidency. Carter makes it clear that Trump has never been heard of in relation to these elite pedophile activities.
Children of all ages are also having their organs harvested, and many have their bodies used as suitcases for shipping things over borders. Organs that are harvested are sold on the black market and sent to our hospitals. Which is why human organs for transplant are so expensive.
Peters: ‘Someone somewhere is going to hear this that has the balls, that has the authority and that has the courage and that knows what is right.’


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