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2017-05-29 16:54:59 | マキャヴェッリ


1 使節団の公館は、不可侵とする。接受国の官吏は、使節団の長が同意した場合を除くほか、公館に立ち入ることができない。

2 接受国は、侵入又は損壊に対し使節団の公館を保護するため及び公館の安寧の妨害又は公館の威厳の侵害を防止するため適当なすべての措置を執る特別の責務を有する。


Russia will not veto the latest UN Security Council resolution on North Korea later on Friday, Russian Deputy Foreign Minsiter Gennady Gatilov told reporters.

ST. PETERSBURG (Sputnik) — Russia assumes that the UN Security Council resolution on North Korea will be adopted, he added.

"We do not intend to veto it," Gatilov said.

"The vote is scheduled for today, we assume that it will be adopted. There was a process of coordination of this text, many of our concerns were taken into account, but there are some issues which we are trying to finish agreeing on with our partners. We hope that we will be able to achieve the adoption of this text," Gatilov told reporters on the sidelines of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF).

According to previous UNSC resolitions, Pyongyang is prohibited to develop its nuclear program and carry out ICBM tests. However, in recent months, the situation on the Korean Penunsula escalated with missile tests carried out, most of them have been successful.

Sputnik is an official media partner of SPIEF.

‪北朝鮮 新型弾道ミサイル発射実験映像公開(日本テレビ系(NNN)) - Yahoo!ニュース https://headlines.yahoo.co.jp/videonews/nnn?a=20170530-00000059-nnn-int @YahooNewsTopics‬

The United States tested its spotty ICBM interceptor system on Tuesday, in the wake of a new spate of North Korean missile tests, some of which have demonstrated surprising technological advancement that’s set Washington on edge.

In the case of an intercontinental ballistic missile attack, the US has two Ground-Based Midcourse Defense (GMD) systems. One is located in California, the other in Alaska, but neither has been tested since 2014. The former system is the subject of the test, when a dummy ICBM will be launched from the Marshall Islands and the interceptor system at Vandenberg Air Base in California will attempt to detect it and shoot it down.

​The interceptor launch was reportedly visible from 50 miles away, including from some parts of Los Angeles.

Many eyes in defense are on the test, as the GMD has a less-than-stellar success rate. The system has been tested 17 times since 1999, and has been successful nine times. Between 2010 and 2014, there were four tests, and three of them were failures. It hasn't been attempted since then.

"We improve and learn from each test, regardless of the outcome. That's the reason we conduct them," said Pentagon spokesman Captain Jeff Davis to Reuters. "The system that we test today is a developmental system that's being flown for the first time and we look forward to understanding the results so we continue to mature the system and stay ahead of the threat."

"The failure in flight-intercept tests is all the more surprising, because these tests are highly scripted to achieve success. If these tests were planned to fool US defenses, as a real enemy would do, the failure rate would be even worse," Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation senior science advisor and former DoD director of operational tests and evaluation Philip E. Coyle III. Coyle told Live Science in early May.

The military also "counts one of those failures a success if the interceptor hit the target with a glancing [blow] but did not destroy it," Coyle added. "Close only counts in horseshoes and not in nuclear war."

Stopping ICBMs is very difficult: they are extremely fast (flying at around Mach 19), not very large, and often launch alongside decoys. ICBM interception is often compared to "hitting a bullet with another bullet."

"This is the hardest thing the Pentagon has ever tried to do, as our nearly 70 years of trying shows," according to Coyle. Operation Crossbow in the 1940s, the Nike Zeus in the 1960s, and the "Star Wars" Strategic Defense Initiative in the 1980s all tried to create a long-range ballistic missile defense system, and none met with better than limited success.

But the need for such a system seems more pressing now than it has been in a long time. Although some defense sources have denied that the test is a direct response to the long series of North Korean missile tests, others have spoken to the contrary. "We are replicating our ability to defend the United States of America from North Korea, today," said Riki Ellison, the founder of the Missile Defense Advocacy Alliance.

The US has spent $41 billion on the GMD since it was constructed in the latter days of the Clinton administration, and all they have to show for it is a program "capable of intercepting a simple threat in a limited way" according to the Government Accountability Office. An estimated $289 billion has been spent on other missile defense systems, but the GMD is the US' only real defense against an ICBM.

But the Pentagon does have a solution, a classically American one: they want to throw money at the problem until it goes away. The proposed 2018 budget includes $7.9 billion for missile defense in fiscal year 2018, including $1.5 billion for the GMD. This is a 67 percent increase from previous year.

One avenue that the Pentagon feels has been underexplored is the use of cyberattacks to stop missile launches before they occur. It is rumored (but not confirmed) that one such cyber attack led to the failure of North Korea's late-April test of the Pukkuksong-1 ballistic missile.


Moscow cannot accept South Korea's and potentially Japan's integration into the US global missile defense system, Russia's deputy foreign minister said.

MOSCOW (Sputnik) — Russia sees South Korea's and potentially Japan's operation of the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) as unacceptable, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Igor Morgulov said Monday.

"For Russia, it is unacceptable to connect South Korea and in the future perhaps Japan to the US global missile defense system," Morgulov said at a conference on bilateral Russia-China ties.

The North Korean crisis is aggravated by the deployment of the US THAAD air defense system in South Korea.

The THAAD agreement was reached by Seoul and Washington in July 2016. The move came amid growing tensions spurred by North Korea's recurring ballistic and nuclear missile tests.

The THAAD system has a range of some 200 kilometers (125 miles) and is designed to intercept short, medium and intermediate ballistic missiles at the terminal incoming stage. The move to deploy it in South Korea has been criticized by neighboring China and Russia as inappropriate, possibly disproportionate, and affecting other countries' interests.


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