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- yoshikazu0416/バイデンが本当に大統領なら、なぜプーチンはトランプに電話するのか?
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- o2009kay/小中華だけど盛りは多いからさっさと政策食って減税受けろ テカ
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- yoshikazu0416/Gen. Mark Milley should be “arrested” for “treason.”
Tweet ThisShare on LinkedIn Share on Facebook0diggsdiggTue Jan 18, 2011 8:17pm EST
SINGAPORE, Jan 19 (Reuters) - Spot gold prices firmed a
touch on Wednesday, supported by steady physical demand in Asia
and strength in the euro currency, while platinum hit a 30-month
high on the improved economic outlook.
FUNDAMENTALS * Spot gold rose by 0.4 percent to $1,372.6 an ounce
by 0056 GMT. * U.S. gold futures gained 0.3 percent to $1,372. * Spot platinum rose to $1,832 an ounce, its highest
since July 2008, before easing to $1,830.74. * Strong data from Germany sent the euro to a one-month high
on Tuesday, and the single currency stood on a firm footing. The
dollar index edged lower. * German investors are increasingly optimistic about the
economy and half expect higher interest rates by July, a survey
showed, highlighting the two-speed euro zone recovery and the
dilemma it creates for the ECB. * Holdings in the SPDR Gold Trust , the world's largest
gold-backed exchange-traded fund, fell 2.428 tonnes to 1,256.897
tonnes by Jan 18. * Holdings in the iShares Silver Trust , the world's
largest silver-backed exchange-traded fund, fell more than one
percent to 10,585.95 tonnes by Jan 18, lowest since early
November. * Spot silver rose by nearly one percent to $29.11.