公開メモ DXM 1977 ヒストリエ


Woke Japan

2024-08-08 09:49:00 | 意見スクラップ集

F-22 "ラプター "ステルス戦闘機の飛行隊が、アラスカのエルメンドルフ空軍基地からKC-135RとKC-46A空中給油タンカーの艦隊とともに、レイケンヒース空軍基地に一時寄港した後、中東へ向かっている。 また、英国上空では、2機のC-17A輸送機、2機のF-15E "ストライク・イーグル "多機能戦闘機、RC-135V "リベット・ジョイント "信号情報プラットフォームが目撃された。


In Japan today, the Status of Forces Agreement and the Japan-U.S. Security Treaty are in effect higher than the Constitution, and there are also secret agreements on base rights and jurisdiction, as well as a "secret command agreement" that the SDF will come under the command of U.S. forces in times of war (agreed to in 1952 by Prime Minister Shigeru Yoshida and Far Eastern Commander Clark; in other words, the SDF will be an attached unit protecting the U.S. forces and bases). The SDF was established as an attached unit to protect U.S. forces and bases), and the nation's "sovereignty" has in effect been stripped to the bone.

 No matter how much discussion there is about revising the Constitution without restoring sovereignty, it is meaningless, and whether the Constitution is changed or not, the current vassal state with no sovereignty over Japan will continue.

 In other words, the Japan-U.S. alliance is a "military subordination system without sovereignty. Because there is no sovereignty, the argument of the Japanese right that "as long as the Japan-U.S. alliance continues, Japan's security will be protected as long as the U.S. protects it, so we should protect it without changing the Japan-U.S. Security Treaty" is a contradiction to the argument of the left that "as long as Article 9 of the Constitution is observed, Japan will be protected without any military force at all, so we should protect it without changing the Constitution of Japan. This is in fact the complete subordination of Japan's military sovereignty to the U.S., i.e., the "abandonment of Japan's military sovereignty," and the left and the right have been brilliantly complementing and maintaining Japan's subordination to the U.S.

 This "renunciation of military sovereignty" means "renunciation of the right to wage war" as well as "renunciation of the right not to wage war. Therefore, of course, Japan has neither the right to decide to start a war nor the right to decide not to start a war. Nor does it have the right to end the war once it has started. In other words, it is also abandoning those decision-making rights, and leaving all those decisions to the United States.

 I, personally, have been watching Japan in this state, and I continue to believe that there is no more dangerous state of affairs for a nation than this.
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