

Unsymmetrical table spoons

2009-02-01 17:35:25 | Weblog
Conchita, I could not do a thing yesterday...
No work, no logging, I am afraid. Something
unexpected happenend, that is why...

Anyway, the first picture is showing you
table ladles with side bars. You can also see
a smaller ladle, which is meant for comsuming

cornflakes, that is what I say.

Here, you see "off-set spoons" for adults.
In fact, I am deeply into this type of spoons now...

These are oak spoons, with walnut side bars.

Concaved, one in front is oak, and the one at
the back is made of pine from the north.

Side bars again, with giant table spoons.

This is the last lot which went mat. Some of these
were delivered to one shop today. The owner says
my earlier works have been selling well.

The ladle dominating this picture does not have
side bars. It belongs now to legacy products, but
I like this very much...

Where do I go from here?

Chopstics, of course, but then they can wait...
Perhaps, smaller pieces like side bared forc-knives,
and propellers?

I am still very much interested in fermented beans
handlers. I have an idea. I have been giving a lot of
thoughts to the design.

I am certain, though, that unless I add something
to the bone structure they will not sell, at all.
My gut-feeling is that they should be spatula based

with side bars.

パエ-リャ 193

2009-02-01 17:35:00 | Weblog
Conchita, buenas tardes y como estas?

No se diferencia de la lluvia el dia de ayer,
pero todavia es muy frio. Mi esposa y hija
se salen de Sicilly en dos semanas.

Bueno, entonces vamos?

con mucho valor y miedo

Esta es de una amigo...

un par de dias

El habia dejado de ser el chico timido!



Tanto a hombres commo a mujeres, nos
atraen personas relajadas y seguras de si mismas!


Te gustaras!

Conchi, desde aqui ingles!

There is some old score to settle with you!

I was going to ask you about it!

I have got my flue coming on!

Come outside and have a look!

She is behind the times!

Conchita, let us call it a day. I do realise that
I am no longer sticking to 10/day rules,
but there you are...

Take care!