

Giant spoons, oak chopstics

2009-02-14 17:46:57 | Weblog
Conchita, with my wife away in Sicilly you can
imagine how busy I am!

Notwithstanding, though, I am working very hard.
Following four images are showing you that my
nail beds are fully occupied at the moment.

Here aboce, you see some of the chopstics going to
A's and adult off-sets. Bopth of them are going mat
very shortly.

Here above, you see giants on the right, pale in
colour as they took only the first penetration
coating today.

The absorption on these conifers is such that
I will test out the sealant immediately tommorrow.

Here mostly chopstics, but those in the front
are oak ones.

Propellers are going well. I have had a series of
coating problems with these, but I now know how to
tackle them...

Here on tow blurred images to follow.
They are about my experiment with double
layered forcs.

I am dead serious about this...

This one below is perhaps showing you better
what I am on about.

There are of course issues, issues to be sorted out.
However, the idea is this. With conventional forcs
pasta handling is problematic.

My answer to that is to use 6 pronged forcs.
There are technical issues, but I have a better
idea now.

Things to take into consideration are:

1. Ease of washing
2. Ease of slit cutting.
3. Overall shape of the forc end
4. Handle shape
5. Initial material thickness
6. Material selection
7. Sanding inner surfaces

8. who might be wlling to buy
these silly looking forcs

At C's my works have been selling well...
And I continue to busy myself...
Anybody out there? whose shoulders

I can cry on!?

パエ-リャ 203

2009-02-14 17:46:35 | Weblog
Conchita, como estas? Estas bien?

Hoy ha estado muy caliente. La lluvia
fue esperada, pero no llovio en todo!

Ahora entonces, vamos?

Este invierno sera calido y sin lluvias


Lo descargo, pero no me aparece
la pelicula de descarga!

Dale clic a "Cuenta" arriba del lado derecho!

Selecionas "Favoritos"!

Esto a veces demora en actualizar los cambios!

Conchi, aqui vamos ingles!

You have to take a tough line on it!

Take your heels and run for it!

Go for it!

You do not know what is going to be round
the next corner!

You look carefully where you are going!
Just watch where you are going!

Conchita, let us call it a day!
Vaya con Dios!