

Baby feeding spoons, giant serving spoons

2009-02-13 17:34:39 | Weblog
Conchita, my wife and daughter are now safely in Sicilly.
That means I have been busy with extra things...

Despite that I did a lot of work today. The first
two pictures showing you the last lot going mat.
These will be dlivered immediately.

Oh, I realise that there is another one before them.
This very first one arrived this morning. These are
the sealer bottles, one on the left is a larger can

of penetration polyurethane.

Some more of the cornflakes spoons are well on their
way to completion. In fact, these will be some of the
first to try my sealer out on.

Here below, I am showing you one of my cutting schemes.
Quite often, you want to get two slices out of one.
And, you have a halfway line drawing device, not shown here.

What it does is to draw a line like one in blue in A. That is,
if the starting material is of sufficient thickness in the first
place. Somethimes, no...

And, in any event, even if you can draw such a line
your atuall cutting line meanders as in red here in A.

If the starting material is two thin to warrant the use
of the divider you have to think. My way of geting it done
is depicted with B.

I use an approapriate sized L angle and draw two line
equidistant from both edges. Then, you know that the true
halfway line is between these two blue lines.

The theoretical halfway line is shown here in red.
If the blue lines are very close together you are OK.
You try and cut between them.

These above are some more of the baby off-sets. The side
bands of which have been cut in accordance of the scheme
I showed you above.

In many ways, it is the culmination of many years' of
my time... I am proud of my integrity and insight
into issues at hand.

Forc-knives shown here, two more have been addted to
the stock.

So, Conchita, I have been busy enough today!
You must be busy, too! Take care!

Oh, just one other thing!

I am right now int a very deep thinking mode.
I want my own pasta handling forcs, the kind you do
not need the hastle of twisting your forc against

your spoon with! They will be unique!!!

パエ-リャ 202

2009-02-13 17:33:18 | Weblog
Conchita, buenas tardes y como estas?

Aqui, a pesar de las previsiones de lluvia no.
En lugar de ello, ha sido muy ventoso hoy.
Esta debe ser la primavera de llegar de una vez!

Entonces, vamos?

(Eso) no tendra consecuencias!

Sera una peque-nya sorpresa!

por no entrar dentro la definicion de juguete

Me parace absurdo!

DK2, una vez que DK!

No!, no me interesa!

Conchi, desde aqui ingles, no?

The way to deal with anxiety is to talk about it!

Get the feelings about your first marriage out!

You just bottled up your anxiety!

I am dead worried about it!

It is about time you told him point blank that DOUNOKOUNO!

Conchita, ya me voy...
Vaya con Dios!