

Giant off-sets, spoons, handmade chopstics

2009-02-08 17:46:03 | Weblog
Coating is continuing.

The first picture makes me think deeply.

The issue is this. Until last year I had dealt
only with one shop, that is K's. I was happy and
I was getting a reasonable return on my work.

Through twsists and turns of recent months
I am now having to deal with a maximum of
six shops...

What you are looking at is the division of the
adult off-sets. My regular delivery to K's
was always something like 10.

The photo speaks for itself. One shop can
expect only 3! My gut feeling now is that
I will need to work longer, perhaps

until 18:00 everyday...

I would not flinch from it, after all
theose people in the shops work even longer
hours than I do...

Here, there are about 40 pairs of chopstics, delivery
expected in 10 days' time. On this front, I am a little more
comfortable, in that some of the shops have them.

The problem is that they are not of those my favourites!
I am therefore still in the dark, a very dark abbys at
the moment...

I really feel like crying on somebody's shoulder!

パエ-リャ 198

2009-02-08 17:45:27 | Weblog
Conchita, buenas tardes y como estas?

Hoy en dia, era mas calido. Primavera
no deberia ser demasiado lejos.

Estoy ocupado, y espero que seguira siendo ocupado
durante los proximos meses.

Ahora entonces, vamos?

como bevida mdicinal fortificante

el alimento que se obtiene mezclando
azucar con NANINANI

Creo que fue lo opuesto!

Eso depende de el mezcla o no con otros productos!

Lo que se tiene por hecho es DOUNOKOUNO!


El comsumo de cacao puede haberse
dado 800 a-nyos antes lo que se creia!

Conchi, aqui vamos ingles!

in order to rectify differences in opinion

In the end he put the phone down on me!
He hang up on me!

a party of six of us

I got through to the guy in charge!

止めちゃだめよ! ドンドンそのまま続けるのよ!
Do not let it go! Keep going on and on!

This line is very bad!

I am not going to stand by and watch it!

Conchi, enough for now?
Take care and vaya con Dios!