

Spoon giants, baby feeder spoons

2009-02-15 17:41:04 | Weblog
Conchita, today's main topic has to be the sealant.

See below, the giant spoons? Nothing much different from
earleir photos of the same...

However, there is a world of difference as I discovered.
I discovered two things, actually. One is that
this sealant is mighty quick to dry.

It is as quick as the mat coating polyurthane. The second
discovery is of course about its ability to
seal minute pits and grooves.

I think it does what it is suposed to do.
I had a good look at one of the giant spoons,
and I cannot pinpoint what is different,

but surfaces look smooth enough. Perhaps,
I only need another application before
going surface protection. I will see...

These above, adult off-sets, without relying on
the selant. They need another application of
the protective coating tommorrow, and the day

after tommorrow they will go mat and shipped.

These propellers, they were treated with the sealant, too.
Effect is gratifying. I should have used the sealnt
long before!

Here above, you see sealant treated propellers and some
giant spoons coated in traditional manner. The giant
spoons hace reached the end of regular protective

coating and sitting there nice and shiny.

Here above, some forc-knives, almost coating ready.

Here above, some baby feeders, and in fact these
were concaved soon after this image and it only
took me 20 minutes to do that.

It is a feat, is it not? That I can concave these
small spoons taking only 30 seconds/each, of course
rough concaving, but it makes me think...

I may be already in the realm of profesional

Each of these will sell at something like JPY 2000,
and the time it took me to shape them...

Of course, you need the time for cutting out the profiles,
machine sanding, hand sanding, 10 times or more of coating
sessions and the cost of electricity, coating materials,

and these have to be taken into account, but then,
and the expensive machines I have purchased and the
cost of all other consumables!, but then, still

I feel I am making money..., am I not? Or, am I?
I am not sure...

Yes, the whole setup for my operation to date has cost me
something like JPY 3.5 million, and I do not expect to
cover that cost, but somehow, I feel I am making money...

Or, perhaps, loosing money...

What the hell am I doing?

パエ-リャ 204

2009-02-15 17:40:39 | Weblog
Conchita, buenas tardes y como estas?
Comiendo bien?

Hoy aqui, estuvo tibio otra vez.
Espero que continuara ser asi.
Mi trabajo de la capa va bien.

Ahora vamos?


Entra a la pagina y hay un corazon
con un signo menos, y apretalo y luego se borra!

episodio 1 parte 2

Que cosas hay!?

DOUNOKOUNO, o eso dicen!


Te ayudara a estar como antes
en un par de semanas!

Si, es lo que todo el mundo dice!

Pero, no es tan complicado!

Conchi, aqui vamos ingles!

Just be careful with it!

Treasure them with care!

Can you manage these bags?

He is not a beer man!

Whisky burns you all the way down!


If you have a cut on your face and
apply lotion it stings a lot!

They come out on the full moon!

Conchi, enough for now?
Take care and vaya con Dios!