

Spoon giants, baby feeder spoons

2009-02-16 17:36:30 | Weblog
Coating work is taking up a lot of my time
at the moment. Today, I picked up yesterday's
and did inspection, some minor surgery, wet sanding,

drying, etc etc and then coating. All this took me up to
14:00 and then I had to go out by car...

So, I had little time on working with my current lot.

This one above is one of the cornflakes spoons-to be.
Concaved nicely, very thin walled, too. Actually,
I am almost convinced that proper cornflakes handlers

must be of different sape, but for now I call these

These are baby feeders, all concaved, stems attended to.
What remains is hand sanding, only.

These, yes, forc-knives, now stems attended to, waiting for
hand-sanding and gap cosmetics, only, then coating.

Some more of the cornflake things on way to completion.

At A's my longer bootsholders have been sold, two in
about 10 days time. Not too bad.

Today, after inspection of my very first sealing operation
I did the same sealing work again, expecting even smoohter

Yes, I may not get what I want, but this is all part of the
learning operation I have to go through...

My coating scheme as of now seems like;

1. One penetration coating by A for polymerisation of
wood tissues

2. Two sealing coatings by B

3. 5 surface prtection coatings by C

4. Two mat coatings by E

I think this pattern will continue. Conchita,
all this convinces you that a lot of hard work
goes into my coating?

Do not forget wetsanding in between and time
for drying! I must be going mad for spnding
so much time and differewnt polyurethanes on my pieces!

I will never ever make money out of what I am

パエ-リャ 205

2009-02-16 17:36:04 | Weblog
Conchita, como estas alla? Mucho sol?

Aqui, el frio ha vuelto! Muy frio aqui ahora mismo!
Sin embargo, el Sol esta ahi.

Espero que el frio y el caliente hechizos
se alternaran durante algun tiempo por venir.

Entonces, vamos?

asi que te recomendo cargar el frigorifico
con verduras!

con una cucharada de aceite de oliva

Alejate de las frituras!

sin aportar nada mas

las verduras a la plancha

Conchi, aqui ahora vamos ingles!

if you are going to feel better that way

Have yourself a wonderful weekend!

That is still on the increase!

He spotted a 5 pound banknote on the sofa!

people resistent to flu

You can escape by the backdoor!

You will probably never again do NANINANI!

You should go to the doctor for a proper checkup!

You must bring all those things into the open!

Conchita, ya me voy y vaya con Dios!