

Chinese porridge spoons, forc-knives

2009-02-21 17:45:14 | Weblog
Conchita, today, my wife and my daughter are in Agrigento,
I think. I would love to be there myself...

Anyway, I did not go anywhere today and spent all of my time
on coating and continuing with the Chinese spoons.

Today is one of those days when all of my nail beds
are fully occupied, just about and I intend to make
one or two more nail beds when I go to our mountain cottage.

I keep forgetting about them...

Here above, this idea is this. You see some unusual shapes.
I made some of these sometime ago. Rings are
originally meant for holding eggs.

It does not matter if they do not sell. What
we need is a wide variety of goods to be sold.
That is why... We will see. It is ultimately

the local custmers who decide...

My oak chopstics. I love them and adore them!

Spoon giants again, and I did not expect that they
will sell, but one did. So, an incentive to go on
working on them.

I made a discover here today. you remember that
I stared using sealant coating. It works a wonder.
Much less C polyurethane is needed now.

Same actually applies to these propellers, too.
Each one of these will fetch me JPY 500, so I am
dead serious about these.

Forc-knives, and they will be treated to B coating
tommorrow. That is, my sealant coating. Again, each
one of these will fetch me JPY 1500.

You appreciate the extent to which I devote myself
to completion?

These above are Chinese spoons. They were convex
treated today, all 35 of them. I may be able to
concave them all by close of tommorrow. I will see...

Today, I made a new discovery, or rather
encountered an accident...

I was doing C coating on oak chopstics and some others.

I happened almost suddenly... My C polyurethane
liquid started to coagulate right in front of my eyes.
For a few seconds I could not believe it...

I had known this to happen in the past, but that was always
with the leftover stored in the metal bottle overnight.

Today, it happened in the paper cup I was using. I thought
I had had it, and felt my blood draw from me...

I made an instant reaction, though... I quickly abandoned
the cup and the coating brush, everything...

It was out of the question to refilll the cup. I had to
make up a fresh coating liquid, then and there.

Very naturally, my mind drifted to the possible cause.
It was an accidental mixture of A and C coating liquids...
It cost me a few hundred JPY...

A lesson to learn from, is it not? At the end of the day,
though, you learn from mistakes. I can live with them...

パエ-リャ 210

2009-02-21 17:44:54 | Weblog
Conchita, muy buenas tardes y como estas?

Hoy aqui no fue frio. Permaneci en mi taller
todo el dia. Mi trabajo de la capa continua.
Entonce, vamos?

Los videojuegos son peligrosos!

No solo lo son para los padres,

sino para cualquiera!

Todos esos malevolos juegos!


Los ni-nyos se han hecho da-nyo
jugando al tenis o al beisbol del Wii Sports!

Claro!, es para preocuparse!

De que te preocupas?

Conchi, aqui vamos ingles!

It was dissimilar to all others!

One treatment is never enough!

Eventually, all the leaves fall off!

You must rest your plants!

at a camp site on the Med coast

What one tends to overlook is DOUNOKOUNO!

What we have said over the years is DOUNOKOUNO!

Conchi, let us take a break here.
Vaya con Dios!