

Giant and off-set spoons

2009-02-03 17:51:23 | Weblog
Conchita, today I only have a few photos.

It is not that I did not do much. On the contrary
I did a lot. I went and delivered some of my works
to the shop K. She was ever so pleased.

In addition my son and daughter will be coming home
very shortly and I was asked to do a few things there.
They will be on post exam holiday and

my daughter will depart for Sicilly with my wife for 2 weeks
while on holiday, my son attending a driving school
in the meantime...

Coating continued, no photo there.
The first photo of today is the oak
off-sets, ready for final hand-sanding.

These are pine off-sets, again ready for hand-sanding.

These below are an assortment of pieces, including a lot
of off-sets, ready for penetration coating. In reality,
though, these will wait for the rest to catch up.

Today, I drove by the shop A by accident. It was
closed, but I could see it was filling up
with goods.

Right now I am dealing with 6 shops and it is
expected that the number will increase by one,
very shortly.

That must be the limit... I do not wish to be
too busy. The idea is this. If my pure return
from one shop is JPY 10,000/month, then

my average return/month will be somewhere
in the region of 60,000 to 70,000. That is the theory,

In reality, for instance, the shop K alone,
when it remained operational, brought a maximum of
JPY 130,000/month. That was a good month, of course.

My recollection of the average return is
something like JPY 80,000 to 90,000/month.
And I was only dealing with her
shop alone at that time.

This year, somehow, the number has increased to 6
or 7. I did not make any significant effort in
shop hunting...

Am I being too optimistic? I know what this is
now all about. It is becoming a game, a game
the end of which I dearly want to see...

パエ-リャ 195

2009-02-03 17:50:56 | Weblog
Conchita, buenas tardes y como estas?

Todavia muy frio, pero la primavera
no debe estar demasiado lejos.
Como es el clima por alla?

Pues entonces, vamos?

basado en la rotacion de la Tierra

DK, y anyadir a cambio una hora

esto tendria importantes repercusiones!

en vez de que DOUNOKOUNO

de acuerdo con NANINANI

de acuerdo con las oscilaciones
de atomos de cesio

Conchi, vasta con esto para ahora,
y entonces vamos ingles!

Where is the money going!?

Where do you go from here?

if you want to come along...

You say things, but you do not
act on them!

Good for you!

Good on you!

Conchi, aqui nos vamos, no?
Vaya con Dios!