

Chinese spoons, baby feeders, resource sharing

2009-02-19 17:57:51 | Weblog
Conchita, I have been busy all day today.

I delivered my pieces to three shops, talking
to them about issues to be resolved, etc etc.

I will talk about it at the end of this session.
The first image for today shows baby feeders and
forc-knives to the very first A coating.

Some of the shop owners have bought these baby
feeders for their friends and relatives and I
need to build up the stock.

Today, I delivered adult off-sets, which are
enlarged and elongated version of these baby
feeders. It remains t be seen if they sell at all...

Oak chopstics on C coating 2, that is they have by now
undergone 5 coating stages. They are looking better and

Even at this stage of coating their texture is such that
when held they cling to your palms. They are so good...
Of course, these are for sale to general public.

Imagine, then, just how much more care went into those
which were given to my friends and relatives as gifts!

I realised that my Chinese spoons are also so popular.
I am now trying to produce them in large numbers.
Eacho of these blocks will turn into two Chinese spoons.

Below, see some other blocks. I make mistakes,
not very often, but today I made one. I cut out
a few blocks for my Chinese spoons, but

as it turned out their thickness was not
sufficient. Never mind, these will be
chopped into smaller pieces and used

for something else.

OK, today's issue, then.

Up until the end of last year I had been
dealt only with a single shop. That had been
enough for me.

Now, I find myself dealing with a number of shops
at the same time. What I find is this.

At each shop they are so busy with their own
local business they are not aware of the possibility
of sharing their display spaces.

Yes, I am trying to be a go-between. I am not after
my manegerial margin, at all. If each shop prospers
my own pieces will get more attention by more

potential customers. That is all I want.

I will, in time, call for a meeting of these shop owners
I am related to and deliver a keynote speech,
directing and urging them in the direction of

loose consrothium, sharing resources between
the shops.

I will also set up an electronic means
to share information by, information on sales, much like
they do at convenicence stores.

So, Conchi, I expect myself to be busy this year!
It is something, though, is it not?
Something to kill your time off with!

パエ-リャ 208

2009-02-19 17:57:24 | Weblog
Conchita, muy buenas tardes y como estas?

Aqui, todavia mucho frio, pero bastante soleado.
Manya-na sera lluvioso... y sigo estando ocupado.
Ahora entonces, vamos?

Como se hace la ensalada?

Me seria de gran ayuda!

dounokouno, pero si no...

Se compone al cabo de unas horas!

Eso es solo temporal!

a cambio de privacidad

Conchi, desde aqui en ingles!

You are on the right lines!
You are on the right track!

They will get less frequent!

He loved you in it!

What sort of size have you got in your mind?

They did not get a lot of laugh!

Something on similar lines will be

Conchi, ya me voy, bastane para ahora, no?
Vaya con Dios!