

Giant spoons, Chinese spoons, dining on the Moon

2009-02-22 18:05:22 | Weblog
Conchita, tommorrow I will have to take my sister-
in-law to a hospital to see her mother. Not much
is exptected to be done, except perhaps coating...

What I have been trying over the last few weeks is
to build up a stock of my pieces. With an increasing number of
shops I am dealing with I must have a stock.

Here, the first image shows matted giant spoons.
One has been sold, but I do not expect that realistic
purchase per month at any one of the shops is

more than one. So, with these I might have some time
for respiration...

Today's woodworking centred around these. Currently,
it takes some 30 minutes to concave 5 of these Chinese

I am happy with that, a lot faster than 4,5 years ago.

Here below, more to be concaved. Altogether, I will
have a stock of some 35 of these. My expectation is that
5,6 pieces will be sold/month, in all, perhaps more.

That will be OK, because these are not that difficult to make.
The more I make them the more skillful I will become,
an increase in productivity.

Same goes to all these pieces below. Baby feeders,
forc-knives, and knapkin rings. Actually, the last
will double as egg holders and chopstics resters.

The idea here is that the more variety (even if
some are no good for sale) the more chance of
people looking at them and being induced to

buying some...

Am I being too optimistic? I do not know...

パエ-リャ 211

2009-02-22 18:04:57 | Weblog
Conchita, muy buenas tardes y como estas?
Ya tienes todo preparado para la cena?

Aqui, no era muy frio hoy. La capa
de la estera fue acabada en algo
de la porcion pasada.

Ahora vamos?

para estar en contacto co la naturaleza


y, en ninguno de estos sitios
se hacian da-nyo!

la sensacion del a-nyo

y, cuanta gente va al hospital?

para envitar lesiones

No seria la primera vez!

Conchi, desde aqui vamos ingles!

There are things that are not good for you to
hear of!

We cannot trust him even with a box of matches!

What did you do that for!?

He stepped forward!
He started forward!

I am not that romantic!

Conchita, let us call it a day, shall we?

Take care and vaya con Dios!

Chinese porridge spoons, forc-knives

2009-02-21 17:45:14 | Weblog
Conchita, today, my wife and my daughter are in Agrigento,
I think. I would love to be there myself...

Anyway, I did not go anywhere today and spent all of my time
on coating and continuing with the Chinese spoons.

Today is one of those days when all of my nail beds
are fully occupied, just about and I intend to make
one or two more nail beds when I go to our mountain cottage.

I keep forgetting about them...

Here above, this idea is this. You see some unusual shapes.
I made some of these sometime ago. Rings are
originally meant for holding eggs.

It does not matter if they do not sell. What
we need is a wide variety of goods to be sold.
That is why... We will see. It is ultimately

the local custmers who decide...

My oak chopstics. I love them and adore them!

Spoon giants again, and I did not expect that they
will sell, but one did. So, an incentive to go on
working on them.

I made a discover here today. you remember that
I stared using sealant coating. It works a wonder.
Much less C polyurethane is needed now.

Same actually applies to these propellers, too.
Each one of these will fetch me JPY 500, so I am
dead serious about these.

Forc-knives, and they will be treated to B coating
tommorrow. That is, my sealant coating. Again, each
one of these will fetch me JPY 1500.

You appreciate the extent to which I devote myself
to completion?

These above are Chinese spoons. They were convex
treated today, all 35 of them. I may be able to
concave them all by close of tommorrow. I will see...

Today, I made a new discovery, or rather
encountered an accident...

I was doing C coating on oak chopstics and some others.

I happened almost suddenly... My C polyurethane
liquid started to coagulate right in front of my eyes.
For a few seconds I could not believe it...

I had known this to happen in the past, but that was always
with the leftover stored in the metal bottle overnight.

Today, it happened in the paper cup I was using. I thought
I had had it, and felt my blood draw from me...

I made an instant reaction, though... I quickly abandoned
the cup and the coating brush, everything...

It was out of the question to refilll the cup. I had to
make up a fresh coating liquid, then and there.

Very naturally, my mind drifted to the possible cause.
It was an accidental mixture of A and C coating liquids...
It cost me a few hundred JPY...

A lesson to learn from, is it not? At the end of the day,
though, you learn from mistakes. I can live with them...

パエ-リャ 210

2009-02-21 17:44:54 | Weblog
Conchita, muy buenas tardes y como estas?

Hoy aqui no fue frio. Permaneci en mi taller
todo el dia. Mi trabajo de la capa continua.
Entonce, vamos?

Los videojuegos son peligrosos!

No solo lo son para los padres,

sino para cualquiera!

Todos esos malevolos juegos!


Los ni-nyos se han hecho da-nyo
jugando al tenis o al beisbol del Wii Sports!

Claro!, es para preocuparse!

De que te preocupas?

Conchi, aqui vamos ingles!

It was dissimilar to all others!

One treatment is never enough!

Eventually, all the leaves fall off!

You must rest your plants!

at a camp site on the Med coast

What one tends to overlook is DOUNOKOUNO!

What we have said over the years is DOUNOKOUNO!

Conchi, let us take a break here.
Vaya con Dios!

Chinese spoons, baby spoons

2009-02-20 17:42:18 | Weblog
Conchita, I still keep thinking about that Italo,
but that apart take a look at today's images.

The very first is about the giant spoons that
got coated with the very first of protective
coating this morning.

My first experience with protective coating on
sealant coating...

By the way, one of these giant spoons that I had
delivered to C's only yesterday was apparnetly
sold this morning. Its selling price is JPY 2625.

I never seriously thought that anyboy would
want t buy one of these, and that is good...

These propellers are also coated on top of the
sealant catng. I am happy with the way things
are going at the moment re coating.

Some more of the spoon giants, the same story...

These above are Chinese spoons on their way to
completion. There are a lot more outside this image.
There are about 35 of them in the making at the


The following two images, juts one of them bening
turned into its final shape, as an experiment.

Here, I use two different sanding heads.

The flowers? They arrived in the absence of my wife
on her birthday. They had been just hang on the door knob
without my knowledge.

They go to these troubles amid their financial
crisis? What am I supposed to be doing with these

Anyway, my "honest broker" thing might bring
something. Everybody seemes interested, at least.

パエ-リャ 209

2009-02-20 17:41:55 | Weblog
Conchita, muy buenas tardes! Creo que estas

No la nieve esta manya-na. Que era buena!
Sin embargo, esto significa que todavia es muy frio!
Pues entonces, vamos?

sin NANINANI a la vista


Ella convirtio un viejo galpon aleda-nyo
en estudio de grabacion!

sin hacer declaraciones

La causa podria ser el estres!

por problemas de salud

Ella nunca deja de pensar en ello!


Si vas a jugar a la Wii, mejor caliente antes!

Conchi, aqui vamos ingles!


dounokouno, that being so, perhaps not
surprising either that dounokouno2!


I do not want to talk about it!
I think we had a good run on it!

So much is crumbling in this country!

You lost me!
I am lost!

Think of all that sheer work that goes on
behind the scenes!

It is a second surprise of the day!

Conchita, ya me voy.
Take care!

Chinese spoons, baby feeders, resource sharing

2009-02-19 17:57:51 | Weblog
Conchita, I have been busy all day today.

I delivered my pieces to three shops, talking
to them about issues to be resolved, etc etc.

I will talk about it at the end of this session.
The first image for today shows baby feeders and
forc-knives to the very first A coating.

Some of the shop owners have bought these baby
feeders for their friends and relatives and I
need to build up the stock.

Today, I delivered adult off-sets, which are
enlarged and elongated version of these baby
feeders. It remains t be seen if they sell at all...

Oak chopstics on C coating 2, that is they have by now
undergone 5 coating stages. They are looking better and

Even at this stage of coating their texture is such that
when held they cling to your palms. They are so good...
Of course, these are for sale to general public.

Imagine, then, just how much more care went into those
which were given to my friends and relatives as gifts!

I realised that my Chinese spoons are also so popular.
I am now trying to produce them in large numbers.
Eacho of these blocks will turn into two Chinese spoons.

Below, see some other blocks. I make mistakes,
not very often, but today I made one. I cut out
a few blocks for my Chinese spoons, but

as it turned out their thickness was not
sufficient. Never mind, these will be
chopped into smaller pieces and used

for something else.

OK, today's issue, then.

Up until the end of last year I had been
dealt only with a single shop. That had been
enough for me.

Now, I find myself dealing with a number of shops
at the same time. What I find is this.

At each shop they are so busy with their own
local business they are not aware of the possibility
of sharing their display spaces.

Yes, I am trying to be a go-between. I am not after
my manegerial margin, at all. If each shop prospers
my own pieces will get more attention by more

potential customers. That is all I want.

I will, in time, call for a meeting of these shop owners
I am related to and deliver a keynote speech,
directing and urging them in the direction of

loose consrothium, sharing resources between
the shops.

I will also set up an electronic means
to share information by, information on sales, much like
they do at convenicence stores.

So, Conchi, I expect myself to be busy this year!
It is something, though, is it not?
Something to kill your time off with!

パエ-リャ 208

2009-02-19 17:57:24 | Weblog
Conchita, muy buenas tardes y como estas?

Aqui, todavia mucho frio, pero bastante soleado.
Manya-na sera lluvioso... y sigo estando ocupado.
Ahora entonces, vamos?

Como se hace la ensalada?

Me seria de gran ayuda!

dounokouno, pero si no...

Se compone al cabo de unas horas!

Eso es solo temporal!

a cambio de privacidad

Conchi, desde aqui en ingles!

You are on the right lines!
You are on the right track!

They will get less frequent!

He loved you in it!

What sort of size have you got in your mind?

They did not get a lot of laugh!

Something on similar lines will be

Conchi, ya me voy, bastane para ahora, no?
Vaya con Dios!

Double layered pasta forcs, giant servers

2009-02-18 17:44:49 | Weblog
Conchita, today effectively was lost...

I had to meet my sister in law and had to take
her to a hospital. I only had, I should imagine,
one hour for my woodworking.

First see below some of the last lot.

Table ladles, cornflake spoon, giant servers,
, adult off-sets all ready to b delivered.

If you come to think about them, this is
the first time I have had these. Naturally,
I am very pleased at my achievement.

With the new addition of my sealant polyurethane
my future pieces will be even looking better!

Here above, these are adult off-sets, and they are
bound to sell well. At K's she already bought two
of my baby off-sets for her friends, something a shop
owner is advised not to do regularly...

That means one thing, though, my baby off-sets are
attractive enough.

Below, you see a series of photos, leading up
to an experimental double layered pasta forc.
Starting from the first picture, all these

took me some 30 minutes. What I wanted here was
not the end result itself. I was more into the
procedural pitfalls.

Let me explain. I now have a very powerfull milling
machine, capable of machining even soft iron pieces.

However, how you might operate the machine is
really a matter of experience. If you make it
work harshly you will be rewarded...

So, you need steps. This above went through 3 steps.
First, through penetration down the width of
the forc.

Secondly, elongating the hole in a straight line
up to where the gap shape starts curving. You stop
your cutting process right there.

Actually, the 3rd process about to be talked about
comes after this image. As you see above, you make
proper forc grooves. Then you go back to the earlier

state and cut out the curved gap with a jigsaw. Why?
The answer is this. Cutting out the cruved slit by my
jigswa is simply too heavy on my machine.

You want to get rid of unwanted mass as much as possible,
before you go jigsaw. Conchita, I can go on and on and on
about these nitty-gritty procedural issues.

Suffice only to say that forming 3 dimensional grooves
is not a very simple matter. I am still experimnting.

Anyway, take a look at the result below.

My gut-feeling is that I might get there...
Question marks are ringing all over the place,
but I am inclined to think I will get there

eventually. I need to look at the starting thickness,
starting width, starting gap separation, mainly,
but I will get what I want.

It is altogether a different story whether anybody
wants to buy one of these stupid looking forcs...

I will buy one, for the uniquenss of it all!

パエ-リャ 207

2009-02-18 17:44:12 | Weblog
Conchita, como estas? Estas cantando y

Yo estaba tan ocupado hoy. Tuve que tomar
mi cunya-da a un hospital donde su madre
se iba a rayos X para la fractura

de los huesos del hombro. Vamos?

Un exceso de sal hara que tu cuerpo no funcione tan bien!

Mejor tomas agua!

Otro de esos topicazos!

pero que ayuda!

Eso si!, no vale empezar con solo esos!

Hay 3 reglas de oro!

Conchi, aqui vamos ingles!

I have been looking round for NANINANI...

That is a fairly staggering piece of news!

One has to look respectable!

nailing up the doors and windows

What tends to bring them on?

Conchita, ya me voy. Tengo sed e hambre!
Vaya con Dios!