素敵な日曜日、生木さん! 久し振りですね。 今日私と一緒に勉強してくれてありがとう。 あなたは良い文章を作れました。あなたは簡単に質問に正しく答えることができます。 あなたは良い聞き手で、ほとんどの質問を理解しています。 文法上の誤りはごくわずかであり、その意味は分かりやすいものでした。 あなたは言葉の適切な発音や、スムーズに物事を言う方法を練習する必要があります。 残りの日をお楽しみください。 すぐにお会いしましょう!それではさようなら!
Lovely Sunday, Seiki san! It's good to see you again. Thank you so much for studying with me today. You were able to construct good sentences. You can easily answer questions properly. You are a good listener for you understood most of the questions. Grammar errors were minimal and the meaning was easy to understand. You need to practice proper pronunciation of words and how to say things smoothly. Enjoy the rest of your day. I hope to see you soon! Take care!
Lovely Sunday, Seiki san! It's good to see you again. Thank you so much for studying with me today. You were able to construct good sentences. You can easily answer questions properly. You are a good listener for you understood most of the questions. Grammar errors were minimal and the meaning was easy to understand. You need to practice proper pronunciation of words and how to say things smoothly. Enjoy the rest of your day. I hope to see you soon! Take care!