

☆The Correction Of Your Journal☆

2019年03月10日 | 英会話
Hello again Mr. Seiki! Below is the correction of your journal. See you on Tuesday!

Your sentence: I have 9 points for the remaining lesson points now.
Better sentence: I have 9 remaining lesson points now.

Your sentence: The expiration date is March 15th.
Better sentence: The expiration date is on March 15th.

Your sentence: I misunderstood that the expiration date is March 25th.
Better sentence: I thought the expiration date is on March 25th.

Your sentence: I will join the singing voice cafe from 1 pm.
Better sentence: I will join the singing voice cafe at 1 pm.

Your sentence: I will pick up my granddaughter to the nursery school at 4:30 pm.
Better sentence: I will pick up my granddaughter from the nursery school at 4:30 pm.


2019年03月10日 | 音楽
 「泰三さんikukoさん、毎回の選曲に感動しながら気持ちよく楽しくハモらせていただきました(^^♪  私の近くには10代かも?と思える男子が水戸黄門様の主題歌やいつでも夢をなどほぼ完ぺきに大きな声で歌っていました!すばらしい!若い方にも良い歌は歌い継がれるのですね(^_-)-☆)」