国際社会工学部 主任教授
古賀 剛大 様
この度、この「騙し討ち」がその4年後の原爆投下につながっているとする原爆投下に関するHarry Wray and Seishiro Sugihara, Bridging the Atomic Divide: Debating Japan-US Attitudes on Hiroshima and Nagasaki (trans. Norman Hu), Lexington Books, Lanham, Boulder, New York, London, 2019)
これは平成27年(2015年)に日新報道から出た、ハリー・レイ、杉原誠四郎共著『日本人の原爆投下論はこのままでよいのか-原爆投下をめぐる日米の初めての対話』の英訳版で、これに杉原氏によって重要な補充がさらになされたものです。真珠湾問題も扱ってあり、白松繁氏の『そのとき空母はいなかった-検証パールハーバー』(文藝春秋 2013)を、真珠湾問題に関する日米5大研究書の1つに位置づけています。正式の発売は2019年ですが、すでに注文、購入できるようになっています。
なおこの書評をMr. Aldric Hama に依頼中ですので、来年早々にはニュースレターでご紹介できると思います。
平成30年12月8日 「史実を世界に発信する会」 茂木弘道
Bridging the Atomic Divide:
Debating Japan-US Attitudes on Hiroshima and Nagasaki
On December 7 (December 8, in Japan), 1941, Japan attacked Pearl Harbor, which started total war between Japan and America; today is the 77th anniversary of the start of the war.
The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor though condemned as a sneak attack by America was in fact due to a delay in sending a notice by Japan of a break in Japan-US diplomatic relations, due to a technical failure by the Japanese Embassy in Washington.
The “sneak attack” campaign was so effective that the American people, most of whom were against war, fired-up to beat Japan.
A new book has been published, Bridging the Atomic Divide: Debating Japan-US Attitudes on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, by Harry Wray & Seishiro Sugihara. In the book, Harry Wray critiques thinking embraced by the Japanese people about the atomic bombing while Seihsiro Sugihara counters with circumstances and counterarguments from the Japanese side. They discuss, in a frank and candid manner, an extremely sensitive subject that Japanese and Americans have long avoided. It is emphasized in the book that the “sneak attack” campaign led the atomic bombing perpetuated four years later.
This is an introduction of a new book. A book review will be forthcoming.
MOTEKI Hiromichi, Acting Chairman
for KASE Hideaki, Chairman
Society for the Dissemination of Historical Fact
Phone: 03-3519-4366
Fax: 03-3519-4367
Email moteki@sdh-fact.com
Note: Japanese names are rendered surname first in accordance with Japanese custom.