ゴルフタイムスの世界   Eagle Eye


「大東亜戦争で日本は世界をいかに変えたか」 2  

2018-12-17 | 日本時事新聞社







国際社会工学部 主任教授

古賀 剛大 様 

さる11月14日(水)に行われた「史実を世界に発信する会」 主催による







「ヘンリー王子の結婚式で、エリザベス女王、フリップ殿下、チャールズ皇太子が全員正装して、ヘンリー王子が黒人女性をお妃にした。日本の力で人種平等の理想の世界が実現したのです。長い人類の歴史で、最大の革命は何だったのでしょうか?フランス革命、ロシア革命、産業革命、IT革命でしようか? 人種平等の世界が実現したことが、人類史上最大の革命だと思います。」



 講演全文(日本語): http://hassin.org/01/wp-content/uploads/kase.pdf

    (英語訳): http://www.sdh-fact.com/CL/Kase-Speech.pdf


平成30年12月18日 「史実を世界に発信する会」 茂木弘道


Commemorating the 100th Anniversary of Japan’s Proposal for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination

Part 2.

The Greater East Asian War: How Japan Changed the World


Kase Hideaki

Diplomatic critic and chairman of the Society for the Dissemination of Historical Fact


   On November 14, 2018, a meeting was held to commemorate the 100th Anniversary of Japan’s Proposal for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, sponsored by Society for the Dissemination of Historical Fact.

Following Mr. Senaka Weeraratna, attorney at law from Sri Lanka, Mr. Kase Hideaki made a speech titled “The Greater East Asian War: How Japan Changed the World.”

   He said that Between the last days of the Shogunate and the dawning of the Meiji era we Japanese had two immense dreams. One was the revision of insulting, unequal treaties that had been forced upon us by the imperialist powers of the West. The other dream was achieving racial equality throughout the world. Many members of Japan’s warrior class traveled to the West on observation missions between the end of the Edo Shogunate and the beginning of the Meiji era. During their ocean voyages, the Japanese travelers saw how their fellow Asians were abused by their white bosses, treated like beasts of burden, like slaves.

   With strenuous efforts Japan realized those two dreams.

   Symbolic example of this took place this year. Prince Harry took an African-American woman as his bride. An ideal world had materialized, thanks to Japan’s strength. Throughout human history, which revolution stands out the most? The French revolution? The Russian revolution? The Industrial Revolution? The IT revolution? None of these. The greatest revolution in human history was the achievement of racial equality in the world.

   His entire speech is here:


URL: http://www.sdh-fact.com/essay-article/1287/

PDF: http://www.sdh-fact.com/CL/Kase-Speech.pdf


Questions are welcome.


MOTEKI Hiromichi, Acting Chairman

for KASE Hideaki, Chairman

Society for the Dissemination of Historical Fact

Phone: 03-3519-4366

Fax: 03-3519-4367

Email moteki@sdh-fact.com

URL http://www.sdh-fact.com

Note: Japanese names are rendered surname first in accordance with Japanese custom.

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