松木 國俊
その3 第1部:第3章、第4章、第5章
国際社会工学部 主任教授
古賀 剛大 様
『地獄の島 軍艦島』(金ヨンスク著)(ブルビット社)は小学校低学年向けの童話です。主人公のグンテの父親は「日本の奴らはトラックでやってきて道行く人を拉致して引っ張っていった。お前も用心しろ」といいます。もちろん、朝鮮で日本が道行く人を拉致して引っ張っていった」などということは「皆無」です。1943年10月、グンテの父に「令状」が届き、端島へ「連行」されます、と書かれていますが、朝鮮で「徴用令」が発動のされたのは、日本本土に遅れること5年後の1944年9月ですから、「令状」など来るはずもありません。よくウソを重ねるものです。こうしてウソを叩き込まれた韓国の子供がゆがんだ反日思想の持ち主になるのは不思議ではありません。
なお、一つ付け加えておくことがあります。第5章に書かれているように、「軍艦島は地獄」という情報は実は日本発でもあるということです。『軍艦島に耳を澄ませば―端島に強制連行された朝鮮人・中国人の記録』(長崎在日朝鮮人の人権を守る会)(2011年)には、「軍艦島」をアウシュビッツと同列とみなした、ウソが満載されています。さらに『<写真記録>筑豊・軍艦島 朝鮮人強制連行、その後』(林えいだい著)(弦書房)も全く虚構の証言を写真につけています。さらに、長崎市内に「岡まさはる記念長崎平和資料館」なるものがあり、強烈な反日イデオロギーに基づいた情報館となっています。
令和元年8月5日 「史実を世界に発信する会」 茂木弘道
Gunkanjima (Battleship Island): A World Heritage Site Soiled by Korea
--Another distortion of history, akin to the “comfort women”
By Matsuki Kunitoshi
Series No.3: Part 1: Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5
In Series No.2, I demonstrated that the film Gunkanjima was a fantasy and a complete distorted of reality. The reality was that Korean workers were paid wages at the same level as Japanese workers and Korean children went school together with Japanese children. But the climax of the film, Korean workers revolting against the Japanese military and marching on to victory, was really laughable, in that there were no military units in Gunkanjima—just two police officers on the whole island. Perhaps the Koreans were fighting ghosts.
Books with similar content are marketed towards children! Gunkanjima—Shameful UNESCO World Heritage (written by Lee Munyon, Uri Education) states that Japan even forcibly abducted little boys from the Korean Peninsula and took them to Japan. We are not sure what to think of Koreans who did not even rebel once against the Japanese back then, if what the book states is true.
Hell Island Gunkanjima, was published by Pullbit Publisher and written by Kim Yon-suk for lower level primary school children. Gunte’s father said to him, “Those Japanese came aboard a truck and abducted people walking on the street at random. You’d better be careful.” Of course, this is a complete lie, in that Japanese abducted Korean people minding their own business. Not one Korean ever reported such an event. It is sad and disgraceful that Korean children are being taught false and hateful stories at an early age.
One thing I should mention. As written in Chapter 5, Japan is in fact one of the sources of lies concerning Gunkanjima, a so-called island of hell. The book Listen to Gunkanjima—A Record of Forcibly Abducted Koreans and Chinese in Hashima was published in 2011 by the Society to Vindicate the Human Rights of Korean Residents in Nagasaki. Photo documentation—Chikuho, Gunkanjima, Forced Abduction of Koreans and Later Years (hereinafter, Chikuho/Gunkanjima), written by Hayashi Eidai (Gen Shobo), is another book of that genre. Moreover, in Nagasaki City, there is a place called the Oka Masaharu Memorial Nagasaki Peace Museum. This museum extensively presents lies and distorts the contents of photographs.
The origin of the “Comfort Women sexual slavery” story was the book, My War Crime, written by Yoshida Seiji, published in 1983 in Japan. Today, it has been completely verified that his story was entirely fake. Once again, Japan issues lies concerning war-time labor conscription—Japan itself is creating the “Korea problem”.
URL: http://www.sdh-fact.com/book-article/1379/
PDF: http://www.sdh-fact.com/CL/Gunkanjima2.pdf
Questions are welcome.
MOTEKI Hiromichi, Acting Chairman
for KASE Hideaki, Chairman
Society for the Dissemination of Historical Fact
Phone: +81-3-3519-4366
Fax: +81-3-3519-4367
Email moteki@sdh-fact.com
Note: Japanese names are rendered surname first in accordance with Japanese custom.