光のみちしるべ ~愛だけが現実~


【Benjamin Fulford】Part16 Q&ASession【ベンジャミン・フルフォード 】

2020年09月17日 03時06分26秒 | ヒーリングカフェ
【Benjamin Fulford】Part16 Q&ASession【ベンジャミン・フルフォード 】


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Unknown (sekine)
2020-10-31 20:14:23
Help me help me.
There is no lapanese in japan.

this is the same part of the brain that we found was underreactive in people who are psychopathic.

portion of bloodtype A




Help me help me.
There is no lapanese in japan.

There's a man out there, somewhere, who looks a little bit like the actor Idris Elba, or at least he did 20 years ago. I don't know anything else about him, except that he once saved my life by putting his own life in danger. This man ran across four lanes of freeway traffic in the middle of the night to bring me back to safety after a car accident that could have killed me. And the whole thing left me really shaken up, obviously, but it also left me with this kind of burning, gnawing need to understand why he did it, what forces within him caused him to make the choice that I owe my life to, to risk his own life to save the life of a stranger?
