

リバティー・メトロンの記事より トランプがグリーンランドに真剣である理由は?

2019-09-08 10:46:41 | 政治




Arctic strategy: Why was President Trump serious about Greenland?

New York — It’s the summer silly season in the media; see what purports to be serious news from the eternal campaigning for the Iowa Caucuses, to bizarre Washington antics.

And then, there’s the wildest of all: Donald Trump wants to buy Greenland!

Given that most of the country can’t even find the arctic island, nor has even the remotest idea that the purchase plan was actually tried by President Harry Truman just after WWII, the concept that an American president would want to buy an ice bound island seems the grist of folly or a gimmick.

Former Danish Prime Minister Lars Lokke Rasmussen said: “It has to be an April Fool’s joke … totally out of season!” It would appear so. But wait!

When the USA purchased Alaska from Imperial Russia in 1867, the land deal was derided as Seward’s Folly, to shame the Secretary of State who pursued what was viewed at the time as a stupid and reckless gamble squandering $7 million for 578,000 worthless square miles of ice, tundra and mountains.

Related: Pompeo alerts Arctic Council to ‘subversion’ threats from China, Russia, May 7, 2019

Since Greenland belongs to the Kingdom of Denmark, let’s recall that in 1917, as America entered WWI, Woodrow Wilson’s administration bought the Danish Virgin Islands for a princely sum of $25 million. The islands are now known as the U.S. Virgin Islands.

And just to round out the argument, let’s not forget Mr. Jefferson’s 1803 Louisiana Purchase of 800,000 square miles of French territory. Washington made the deal with Napoleon for $15 million.
そして議論をまとめよう、ミスター ジェファーソン(トーマス・ジェファーソン?)がルイジアナのフランス領80万平方マイルを購入したことも忘れてはならないでしょう。ワシントンはナポレオンと1500万ドルで取引しました。

Thus the concept is not totally as wacky as it may seem.

Greenland, the world’s largest island, falls under Danish sovereignty. Whether the Kingdom of Denmark, a wealthy member of the European Union and NATO would care to do a Deal with The Donald is another matter and highly unlikely.

This writer has actually visited Greenland twice back in the 1980’s. On a hot July day I recall a contact from U.S. Air Force public affairs offering, “It’s brutally hot in New York, Want to go to Greenland?” Well, happily I did. As part of the NATO treaty the U.S. maintains a series of facilities on the island. We stayed at Sondersrtom Fjord, (base since closed) a barren piece of coastal land down stream from a massive glacier. Summer temperatures can be warm and its nearly always light outside. Just inland from the base lies the vast Ice Cap of lore and legend.


Indeed the region’s geopolitical significance has actually grown given pack ice melts, and the vast Arctic, including Greenland, forms a growing focus of Russian and Chinese strategic and economic interests. Speaking in Finland in May, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo asserted, the region’s “centerpiece,” the Arctic Ocean, “is rapidly taking on new strategic significance.”

He added the Arctic, “is at the forefront of opportunity and abundance. It houses 13 percent of the world’s undiscovered oil, 30 percent of its undiscovered gas, and an abundance of uranium, and rare earth minerals.”


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