怒涛のアーバン・ファンク!この頃社会主義にかぶれていた師匠の資本主義に対するシニカルな歌詞とあいまってインパクトのある曲になってます。ジャケはエスプレッソマシンですが、なんかチャーリー・チャップリンのモダンタイムズみたいでいかしてます。7インチコレクションの中でもTop 3に入りますね。
Daylight turns to moonlight - and Im at my best
Praising the way it all works - gazing upon the rest
The cool before the warm
The calm after the storm
I wish to stay forever - letting this be my food
But Im caught up in a whirlwind and my ever changing moods
Bitter turns to sugar - some call a passive tune
But the day things turn sweet - for me wont be too soon
The hush before the silence
The winds after the blast
I wish wed move together - this time the bosses sued
But were caught up in the wilderness and an ever changing mood
Teardrops turn to children - whove never had the time
To commit the sins they pay for through - anothers evil mind
The love after the hate
The love we leave too late
I wish wed wake up one day - an everyone feel moved
But were caught up in the dailies and an ever changing mood
Evil turns to statues - and masses form a line
But I know which way Id run to if the choice was mine
The past is knowledge - the present our mistake
And the future we always leave too late
I wish wed come to our senses and see there is no truth
In those who promote the confusion for this ever changing mood
Daylight turns to moonlight - and Im at my best
Praising the way it all works - gazing upon the rest
The cool before the warm
The calm after the storm
I wish to stay forever - letting this be my food
But Im caught up in a whirlwind and my ever changing moods
Bitter turns to sugar - some call a passive tune
But the day things turn sweet - for me wont be too soon
The hush before the silence
The winds after the blast
I wish wed move together - this time the bosses sued
But were caught up in the wilderness and an ever changing mood
Teardrops turn to children - whove never had the time
To commit the sins they pay for through - anothers evil mind
The love after the hate
The love we leave too late
I wish wed wake up one day - an everyone feel moved
But were caught up in the dailies and an ever changing mood
Evil turns to statues - and masses form a line
But I know which way Id run to if the choice was mine
The past is knowledge - the present our mistake
And the future we always leave too late
I wish wed come to our senses and see there is no truth
In those who promote the confusion for this ever changing mood
The Best of the Standells
Sonicsやkingsmenなど米系ガレージバンドですが、66年には「Dirty Water」を全米11位のヒットをもっています。Sonicsなどと比べるとPOPなのですが、オルガン・グルーブがチープでクラブっぽくてなかなかよいです。「Mr.Nobody」は最高です!(「Stepping Stone」そっくり、というよりこっちが先?)
Sonicsやkingsmenなど米系ガレージバンドですが、66年には「Dirty Water」を全米11位のヒットをもっています。Sonicsなどと比べるとPOPなのですが、オルガン・グルーブがチープでクラブっぽくてなかなかよいです。「Mr.Nobody」は最高です!(「Stepping Stone」そっくり、というよりこっちが先?)
Mint Sound Records
Mint Sound Records の87年のオムニバス・アルバムで、コレクターズ、ブラボー小松、ファントムギフト、THE HIPPY HIPPY SHAKES、少年ナイフなどなど当時新宿Jam
Mint Sound Records の87年のオムニバス・アルバムで、コレクターズ、ブラボー小松、ファントムギフト、THE HIPPY HIPPY SHAKES、少年ナイフなどなど当時新宿Jam