``2018-05-24 Antidepressants damage sperm DNA! https://e-dansei.com/archives/138''
When you visit or are admitted to a psychiatric hospital, you are prescribed and administered psychotropic drugs, ca . . . 本文を読む
Mental illness is caused by clinging to old ways of thinking. If you change your way of thinking, your behavior will change and you will be able to adapt to society.There is a term called trauma-infor . . . 本文を読む
Hallucinations and delusions are not caused by dopamine imbalance.
Strictly speaking, the administration of psychotropic drugs and narcotics can artificially cause dopamine imbalance and give the bra . . . 本文を読む
An ultimatum given to Japan's mentally ill.
The world is filled with values such as "making money easily is happiness" and "it's smart to gain something easily."
The media is making a big fuss abo . . . 本文を読む
Clozapine, a simple anti-cancer drug, promotes deaths in other hospitals: Promoting the transfer of intractable psychiatric patients to the community
Mental problems cannot be solved by taking medi . . . 本文を読む
2024/08/26 [We trusted the doctor and believed he would do his best to treat us] Parents file lawsuit seeking 57 million yen in damages; Man choked to death on bread in psychiatric hospital; hospitali . . . 本文を読む
Psychiatric hospitals are seeing an increase in dementia patients
(認知症が増え、統合失調症の入院患者が減少している理由2024年07月09日 より引用)
The Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare's medical system reform includes a reduc . . . 本文を読む
Is a criminal a disease? Is a disease a crime? Japanese medical care treats the elderly and hospitalized patients as criminals
November 21, 2023 | The world's most confusing psychiatric medical care . . . 本文を読む
It's not that they "don't realize they're ill" but rather that they "are not ill"
In fiscal year 2024, part of the Mental Health and Welfare Act was revised.
The reality of psychiatric care in Japan . . . 本文を読む
The collapse of universal health insurance: the time will come when out-of-pocket medical expenses will be 50%
Social insurance taxes continue to increase.
First, let's look at social insurance taxe . . . 本文を読む
The most important thing in psychiatric nursing is "love," which you cannot understand unless you know Christianity.
People who have been abandoned by their parents, treated as a nuisance by society, . . . 本文を読む
Psychiatric care that "forces behavioral restrictions" despite "just correcting" is a violation of the Nuremberg Code
When I worked in clinical psychiatric care, patients who were admitted (whether v . . . 本文を読む
Humans do not get sick from stress. Stress is not bad for life, it's how we think that is the problem.
The number of psychiatric hospitals in 2021 is 1,053, down 6 from the 1,059 in the 2020 Ministry . . . 本文を読む
If you go to a psychiatric hospital for an internship, you may end up in a closed ward.
When you do, you are always told "the meaning of the key" and "the meaning of locking."
"The closed ward is lo . . . 本文を読む
Blood transfusions are a common practice in surgery and emergency care.
In the past, Utsumi Satoshi and Funase Shunsuke published a book called "The Darkness of Blood" in which they argued that blo . . . 本文を読む