(※ この記事は、2014.10.12に、8100.8.6 から元の場所へ復帰。)(※投稿日 2014・3・14)
“He (Genji) went to his apartments and dressed. It was very late indeed when at last he made his appearance at the party. He was dressed in a cloak of thin Chinese fabric,white outside but lined with yellow. His robe was of a deep wine-red color with a very long train.The dignity and grace with which he carried this fancifully regal attire in a company where all were dressed in plain official robes were indeed remarkable,and in the end his presence perhaps contributed more to the success of the party than did the fragrance of the Minister's boasted flowers.”
『THE TALE OF GENJI』 「THE FLOWER FEAST」 Lady Murasaki (The Arthur Waley Translation)
『エピゲノムと生命』 (講談社ブルーバックス) 太田邦史
『夢 DREAMS』は、貴(あて)やかで絢爛の衣装もまた、見所である。その流れで、何とは無しに「パリコレクション」のサイトを眺めていたら、Zuhair Murad というブランドに心引かれた。
(style.com のURLは貼れないようなので、もし関心があれば、探してみてほしい。)
MARCH 05, 2014
By Amy Verner
Zuhair Murad doesn't much like insects―except for butterflies and dragonflies, beauty muses of the bug world. So for Fall, he expressed their sinuous bodies and wing shapes as custom guipure lace patterns and strategically placed cutouts. Murad pointed to a special technique that allowed a puzzle of crepe pieces to be superimposed onto jersey, and showed off python-patterned lace embroidered with the same abstracted idea. A digitally rendered print stretched wing veining into a decorative filigree. Even the leather lacing on a grouping of dresses borrowed the insects' bulbous abdomen shape, tiny as it is, for female body contouring. The most elaborate interpretation of all used openwork and embellishment across the entire torso and down the hip in a way that seemed as delicate and detailed as actual wings. Murad, who says he pored over books and examined some specimens back home in Lebanon, has become so synonymous with eveningwear that you easily forget he does daywear, too, and batwing sleeves supplied the most notable, tangentially thematic update. This luxe Lepidoptera collection allowed Murad to stretch his wings, but the OTT ornamentation was far less persuasive than a solid black crepe mermaid dress with lace godet pleats. Such relative simplicity made it a rare beauty.
【追記 2014.10.8(月蝕)~12】
※ ファッションの記事は季節を先取りしているので、半年ぐらい寝かせてから読むのがちょうど良い(笑)。
(※1) 【Guipure】 ギピュール ①地になる網目がなく,模様と模様を直接につなぎ合わせたレース.
『リーダーズ英和辞典 第3版』
(※2)【godet】《スカートの裾・袖口・手袋などの》まち; 『リーダーズ英和辞典第3版』
【まち(襠)】 ①衣服の布の幅の不足した部分に別に補い添える布。 『広辞苑第6版』
【pleat】 ひだ,プリーツ; 『リーダーズ英和辞典第3版』
【参考映像】 Zuhair Murad プレタポルテ,2014-15,秋冬