Blog 81


写経 27. 『Nineteen Eighty-Four』 George Orwell

2013年07月31日 | 英語の記事
 ※ 『ニーチェの馬』のDVDの配送が、来月の中旬になるようである。その間に「写経」も進める。今回から『1984』を始めるが、『THE TRUE BELIEVER』と『好きになる数学入門』をやめたわけではないので、安心してほしい(笑)。

第1部 第3章から

【高橋和久 訳】

Winston could not definitely remember a time when his country had not been at war, but it was evident that there had been a fairly long interval of peace during his childhood, because one of his early memories was of an air raid which appeared to take everyone by surprise.
Perhaps it was the time when the atomic bomb had fallen on Colchester.
He did not remember the raid itself, but he did remember his father's hand clutching his own as they hurried down, down, down into some place deep in the earth, round and round a spiral staircase which rang under his feet and which finally so wearied his legs that he began whimpering and they had to stop and rest.
His mother, in her slow dreamy way, was following a long way behind them.
She was carrying his baby sister ― or perhaps it was only a bundle of blankets that she was carrying: he was not certain whether his sister had been born then.
Finally they had emerged into a noisy, crowded place which he had realized to be a Tube station.

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映画 『東京家族』 (その35)  犬童一心監督の文章 (1)

2013年07月28日 | 映画『東京家族』

 “ 響くサラウンドの波 / 時が溶けてゆく真夏の夜 / 夜風は冬からの贈り物 ”  ―― 真心ブラザーズ




 「初回限定生産」のそれには、本編の他に、「メイキング, イベント映像集」と、ブックレットもある。




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映画 『東京家族』 (その34)  お化け煙突(2)

2013年07月26日 | 映画『東京家族』





『図説 東京大空襲』 早乙女勝元 p.153「東京空襲日誌②」

“昭和20年5月25日 22時22分 中野・四谷・牛込・麹町・赤坂・世田谷他 
 来襲機数 502 爆弾 4.0 焼夷弾 3,258.0 総トン 3,302
 被災家屋 165,545 罹災人口 620,125 負傷者 17,899 死者 3,651”





 “(『東京物語シナリオ』シーン)7 東京   町工場などの見える江東風景”










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写経 26.  From Eliot to Riot

2013年07月23日 | 写経(笑)










 というのは、今日の「写経」のまくらで、本題は、Pussy Riot が新曲を発表したはなしです。


 新聞報道によると、「収監中のナジェンダ・トロコンニコワさんが作詞した」とあります。 『2013.7.20 東京新聞』

    「Like a Red Prison」

Gruel-Propaganda, Gruel-Propagandaaaa!
The country has hardly mastered
Mechanized labor
More and more often when I'm working hard-
I am rude - don't know if it's appropriate
Local activists flow down the pipeline
Filling it with life and calling for destruction!
Federal Penitentiary Service, Interior Ministry,
Emergency Situations Ministry, and Rosnano
LUK oil, TNK, Rosneft, and Gazprom
Gruel-Propaganda, Gruel-Propagandaaaa!

Get registration
Evildoers at the oil towers
Oil on the tables
Sechin with crocodiles
Like in a red prison
Like in a red prison

Bathe the worker in the Norwegian fjord
Cut off you penis like the Depardieu character
You have a president like Iran's ayatollah
And your church is like it is in the U.A.E

So, let everything be like it is in Qatar
Evildoers at the oil towers
Pumping till its dry,
A physics university teaches theology
Epaulettes and oil wells
Navalny in jail
Hugo Chavez lives

Like in a red prison
Like in a red prison

Evil fucking sexist, leave the hole alone!
Homophobic vermin, out from history!

Don't fuck with her pussycat
She spends oil on something else
In the Mordovian days' quiet
She makes salads and sometimes eats them





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写経 25. 『THE TRUE BELIEVER 』(1951)  ERIC HOFFER (7)

2013年07月20日 | 写経(笑)
(第4節 全文)

Offhand one would expect that the mere possession of power would automatically result in a cocky attitude toward the world and a receptivity to change. But it is not always so. The powerful can be as timid as the weak. What seems to count more than possession of instruments of power is faith in the future. Where power is not joined with faith in the future, it is used mainly to ward off the new and preserve the status quo. On the other hand, extravagant hope, even when not backed by actual power, is likely to generate a most reckless daring. For the hopeful can draw strength from the most ridiculous sources of power―a slogan, a word, a button. No faith is potent unless it is also faith in the future; unless it has a millennial component. So, too, an effective doctrine: as well as being a source of power, it must also claim to be a key to the book of the future.
 Those who would transform a nation or the world cannot do so by breeding and captaining discontent or by demonstrating the reasonableness and desirability of the intended changes or by coercing people into a new way of life. They must know how to kindle and fan an extravagant hope. It matters not whether it be hope of a heavenly kingdom, of heaven on earth, of plunder and untold riches, of fabulous achievement or world dominion. If the Communists win Europe and a large part of the world, it will not be because they know how to stir up discontent or how to infect peaple with hatred, but because they know how to preach hope.

(関連)→『Burnt Norton』T.S.Eliot

There rises the hidden laughter
Of children in the foliage
Quick now, here, now, always―

Ridiculous the waste sad time
Stretching before and after.

『Yasoitu Senkyo-Undô』


  (参照)→当ブログの前記事 「映画 『東京家族』(その33)  お化け煙突(1)」

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