Blog 81


『This Changes Everything』 Naomi Klein (Simon&Schuster)

2014年10月05日 | 映画『東京家族』
 ナオミ・クラインの新刊、『This Changes Everything』が出ている。






 『This Changes Everything』 (冒頭の引用)

Rebecca Tarbotton,Executive Director of the Rainforest Action Network,1973-2012

Science fiction writer Kim Stanley Robinson,2012


Report by the American Association for the Advancement of Science,the world's largest general scientific society,2014

Sarah Palin,2011

 [Part One, Bad Timing]

William Stanley Jevons,economist,1865

Victor Hugo,1840

 [1.The Right is Right]

Report by the American Association for the Advancement of Science,2014

Thomas J. Donohue,President of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce,on ambitious carbon reduction

 [2.Hot Money]

Wayne Lewis,Dust Bowl survivor,2012

Marlene Moses,Ambassador to the United Nations for Nauru,2012

 [3.Public and Paid For]

sunita Narain,director general,Centre for Science and Environment,2013

George Orwell,The Lion and the Unicorn,1941

 [4.Planning and Banning]

John Berger,Keeping a Rendezvous,1991

Gus Speth,former dean of the Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies,2008

 [5.Beyond Extractivism]

Republican U.S. Congressman Steve Stockman,2013

Bolivian Indigenous leader Nilda Rojas Huanca,2014

Global system analyst Rodrigo Castro and colleagues,paper presented at a scientific modeling conference,2014

 [Part Two, Magical Thinking]

Political scientist William Barns and intellectual historian Nils Gilman,2011

Christine MacDonald,former employee of Conservation International,2008

 [6.Fruits,Not Roots]

Former National Wildlife Federation President Jay Hair,1987

Environmental Defense Fund President fred krupp,2009

 [7.No Messiahs]

Richard Branson,ongetting caught dodging taxes in the early 1970s

Former New York mayor Michael Bloomberg,2013

 [8.Dimming the Sun]

Newt Gingrich,former speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives,2008

William James,1895

 [Part Three, Starting Anyway]

Anundhati Roy,2010

Luis Yanza,cofounder,Frente de Defensa da la Amazonía (Amazon Defense Front),2010


The United Nations Rio Declaration on Environment and Development,1992

U.S. Interior Secretary Harold lckes,1936

 [10.Love Will Save This Place]

Rachel Carson,1954

Jason Bostic,Vice President of the West Virginia Coal Association,2011

 [11.You and What Army?]

Geraldine Thomas-Flurer, coordinator of the Yinka Dene Alliance, a First Nations coalition opposing the Enbridge Northern Gateway pipeline,2013

Labor organizer Mary Harris “Mother” Jones,1925

 [12.Sharing the Sky]

Franco Viteri,Sarayaku leader, Ecuador

Sivan Kartha,Tom Athanasiou,and Paul Baer, climate researchers,2012

 [13.The Right to Regenerate]

Tracie Washington,New Orleans-based civil rights attorney,2010

Katsi Cook,Mohawk midwife,2007


Martin Luther King Jr.,“Beyond Vietnam,”1967

Marlene Moses,Ambassador to the U.N.for Nauru,2009

※ 何を隠そう、私は「引用」が好きである(笑)。

【2014.11.10 追記】

 11月6日の『ニューヨーク・タイムズ』に、『This Changes Everything』 の記事が載っていた。



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