Blog 81


“A Christmas Carol” Charles Dickens

2016年12月24日 | 映画『東京家族』
“A Christmas Carol (1843)” Charles Dickens

“Ding, dong!”
“A quarter past,” said Scrooge, counting.
“Ding, dong!”
“Half-past!” said Scrooge.
“Ding, dong!”
“A quarter to it,” said Scrooge.
“Ding, dong!”
“The hour itself,” said Scrooge, triumphantly, “and nothing
  He spoke before the hour bell sounded, which it now did with a
deep, dull, hollow, melancholy ONE. Light flashed up in the room
upon the instant, and the curtains of his bed were drawn.
  The curtains of his bed were drawn aside, I tell you, by a hand.
Not the curtains at his feet, nor the curtains at his back, but those to
which his face was addressed. The curtains of his bed were drawn aside;
and Scrooge, starting up into a half-recumbent attitude,
found himself face to face with the unearthly visitor who drew them:
as close to it as I am now to you, and I am standing in the spirit at your elbow.

“ Richard Williams' Animation (1971)”

“Roberto Innocenti (1990)”

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「ボブ・ディラン氏 受賞スピーチ全文」 『2016.12.13 東京新聞』

2016年12月14日 | 映画『東京家族』

「ボブ・ディランがたった1人のためにライブ開催——その時ファンはどうしたか」 (2014.12.15 女性自身)

“Heartbeat” Buddy Holly

【2016.12.19 追記】
“Blueberry Hill” Fats Domino

“It's Too Late (She's Gone)” Chuck Willis

 『女性自身』の記事には、“チャック・ウィルスの「It 's Too Late ( She 's Gone ) 」”と書いてあるが、歌詞も違うし、別の曲なのではないだろうか?

 しかし、『Rolling Stone』の記事にも、「Chuck Willis' "It's Too Late (She's Gone)"」と書いてある。

 最後の魅力的な「a blues jam」、これも私は知らない曲だったけれど、それはどうでもいいことかもしれない。

「 so Wikingsson was delighted when the show began with "Heartbeat." "I liked Buddy Holly before I liked Dylan," he says. "I felt like Christmas morning."」


「At the end of "It's Too Late (She's Gone)" Dylan performed a harmonica solo. "I always detest people that automatically holler and applaud every time he breaks out the harmonica," says Wikingsson. "But I found myself almost weeping when he played the solo. He could have just ended the song without the solo, he wanted it to be great."」

“I'm a Fool to Want You”

“Tempest (2012)”

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