倉富和子の女のひもとき in USA


人工知能に恋をする。It's also possible to fall in love in artificial intelligence.

2016-07-29 11:39:33 |  縄文心導ヒーリング

人工知能が何でもできるようになったら、人は何の意味があるのか 確かめたくなる。



近い将来なくなる職業と、残る職業。 今までは、特定の人だけに影響を与えて来ましたが、人工知能は、大多数の人に影響を与えましょう。










人工知能による新事業を考える。 10年から20年後まで残るトップ25職業を紹介しま

す。 (人工知能は人間を超えられるか。松尾豊著より)



この世で一回きり、体は一つであるから、人工知能と共生して行くための、 ノウハウ

を生かしたいですね。 フィンランド、エストニアでの人工知能とShindoワークショッ




1位 レクリエーション療法士。

2位 整備、設置、修理の第一線監督者。


4位 メンタルヘルス、薬物関連ソーシャルワーカー。

5位 聴覚訓練士。

6位 作業療法士。

7位 歯科矯正士。

8位 医療ソーシャルワーカー。

9位 口腔外科医

10位 消防、防災第線監督者。

11位 栄養士。

12位 宿泊施設の支配人。

13位 振付師。

14位 セールスエンジニア。

15位 内科医、外科医。

16位 教育コーディネーター。


18位 警察、刑事の第一線監督者。

19位 歯科医。

20位 小学校教師、(特別支援教育を除く)

21位 医学者(免学者を除く)

22位 小中学校の教育管理者。

23位 足病医

24位 臨床心理士、カウンセラー、スクールカウンセラー)

25位 メンタルヘルスカウンセラー。


If artificial intelligence can do now everything, what meaning does a person have? I feel like making sure. It's also possible to fall in love in artificial intelligence. The occupation which will disappear the near future and the occupation left. I have an influence on only a specific person and have come so far, but artificial intelligence will have an influence on majority's person. The differential feels whether you're poor, but is wide with something rich. The occupation which isn't 10 years also any more is a desk of the bank, property registration vicarious execution, an insurance agency, brokerage firm work, taxation business declaration vicarious execution, finance, finance and taxation business. Operator of sports order-receiving business of the referee 、、 baggage and factory machine. It's a doctor, a dental doctor, a rehabilitation profession, a social worker and a counselor that the probability that it disappears is low. The occupation to which bodily injury communication is necessary is all right at present. The way of a new enterprise is considered in creative work in work for the man vs. the man. A manpower supply company sorts the work to disappear and the work to stay out with an eye of foresight. A new enterprise by artificial intelligence is considered. 25 jobs of top which will be left from 10 to 20 years later is introduced. (Can artificial intelligence exceed man? Than Yutaka Matsuo work) When this table will be seen, it's in the best one of the work to stay with a recreation therapist. It's even to include foot disease medicine-,-. One body cuts it once in this world, and so symbioses with artificial intelligence, and to go. You'd like to utilize know-how, right? A Shindo workshop seems to be artificial intelligence in Finland and Estonia interestingly. About 1 recreation therapist. First line supervisor of about 2 maintenance, installation and repairing. About 3 risk management person in charge. About 4 mental health and medicine related social worker. About 5 auditory practice man. About 6 work therapy man. About 7 dental correction man. About 8 medical social worker. About 9 mouth surgeon About 10 fire fighting and protection against disasters daisen supervisor. About 11 dietician. Manager in about 12 accommodations. About 13 choreographer. About 14 sales engineer. About 15 physician and surgeon. About 16 educational coordinator. About 17 psychologist. About 18 police and detective's first line supervisor. About 19 dentist. An elementary school teacher (removes 20th place of special support education). About 21 medical scientist (except for Men scholar) Educational administrator of about 22 elementary and junior high schools. About 23 foot disease medicine About 24 clinical psychologist, counselor and school counselor) About 25 mental health counselor.

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