ピコ太郎は存在だけで”笑える" 千葉風おじさんで、同じ人物。
When old Youtubu of Tasaka great Satan is being seen, the ingredient for makes a person laugh at a joke entertainer is much, when he talks, I can't laugh.
" Dark dark ~" (There is also a family background scholar's cause of a DNA for can't laugh not completely satisfactory.)
P Taro, only by existence," I laugh, I laugh.", the same person.
There was such creative society that the class and the name as the social weir, the status and status reset the four social ranks of Japanese feudal society; warriors, farmers, craftsmen, and merchants as "ream" in the Edo Period, wasn't there?
The one as the name and a mask is the equipment which produces the character of the another person, isn't it?
It's tough work to treat just different me with the different name actually.
It'll be me according to p Taro, and I enjoy myself, and, and in because Tasaka great Satan possible to return it has the respectable character, not a liar, it's possible.
Tasaka great Satan is saying that the Japanese joke" and" music are in common use in the world, but a Japanese festival is also so, isn't it? A Japanese body work also goes out to the world, doesn't it? A yoga can be held and go out, I don't have that.
I have put a mask called p Shoutarou and have gone out to the world.
A festival is the world of the gods which come out in a myth, so as if a salon of gods was completed in INTANE, think, please. It fell in a mind finally recently.
I'm looking forward to p Taro Nippon Budokan live broadcasting on March 6.