


2016-02-20 22:00:22 | 電気

US5057692 (High speed, radiation tolerant, CT scintillator system employing garnet structure scintillators)
"This class of scintillator material is based on activated luminescence of cubic garnet crystals. Garnets are a class of materials with the crystal chemical formula A3 B5 O12 in which the A cations are eight-coordinated(8配位)with oxygens and the B cations are either octahedrally (six) or tetrahedrally (four) coordinated(8面体または4面体配位)with oxygens. The crystal structure is cubic with 160 ions per unit cell containing eight formula units. In accordance with the present invention, the A cations are rare earth or yttrium ions alone, in combinations and/or with activator substitutions. The B cations may be rare earth ions or other ions, again, alone, in combinations and/or with substitutions. In particular, we have found that with activator ions substituted in the eight-coordinated or six-coordinated(8配位または6配位)sites, these garnets are luminescent in response to x-ray stimulation. A particularly important activator ion which we have discovered is x-ray luminescent in this host material is the chromium 3+ ion located in six-coordinated(6配位)sites."

US8808807 (Functionalized inorganic films for ion conduction)
"To increase the water retention in the porous inorganic films, hydrophilic species, such as silica, alumina, niobia, or aluminosilica, are incorporated into the inorganic framework along the pore surfaces. The formation of Brønsted acid sites in the framework increases the acidity and hydrophilicity of the material. For example, treatment(処理)of the mesoporous silica film with an alkaline solution containing soluble aluminum species yields(生み出す、生ずる)an aluminosilica film that has four-coordinated(4配位)Al—O—Si sites (e.g., Brønsted or Lewis acid sites) incorporated on the surface of the silica framework. As shown in FIG. 3, the quantity of four-coordinated(4配位)Al sites in the film is determined by single-pulse 27Al MAS NMR. The peaks at 113 ppm, 5 ppm, and 9 ppm correspond to AIN, four-coordinated Al, and six-coordinated(6配位)Al, respectively. About 90% of the incorporated aluminum atoms in the film possess approximately a tetrahedral coordination(4面体配位), while the remaining aluminum atoms have closer to octahedral coordination(8面体配位)corresponding to framework aluminum atoms that are coordinated(配位)additionally with adsorbed water molecules or that are extra-framework species in the form of macroscopically phase-separated Al2O3. Two-dimensional HETeronuclear chemical shift CORrelation (HETCOR) NMR spectroscopy establishes unambiguously that a substantial fraction of the six-coordinated(6配位)Al atoms are interacting strongly with adsorbed water, consistent with the increased hydrophilicity of the film. Correlated signal intensity in the 29Si{1H} HETCOR spectrum in FIG. 4 shows that four-coordinated(4配位)framework 29Si sites are interacting with water protons in the sample. Specifically, cross-peaks associated with chemical shift correlations between the protons of water and the 29Si species that are covalently bonded to framework 27Al species through an oxygen bridge are clearly evident in FIG. 4. The corresponding experimental conditions(実験条件)are: 10 kHz spinning rate, 3.6 μs 90° 1H pulse, 1 s recycle delay, and 2096 scans for each of the 64 t1, increments."

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