


2020-05-07 13:48:57 | 英語特許散策

In some embodiments, the surface 110 of the substrate 112 has openings 160 therein that couple each of the closed cells 105 to a source 170 of the medium 120. E.g., as illustrated in Fig. 1, the source 170 can comprise a chamber 172 filled with the medium 120 and coupled to the openings 160. The amount of medium 120 fed into the cells 105 form the source can be controlled with a regulator 174 (e.g., a valve) . In such embodiments, it is desirable to adjust the pressure of medium 120 fed from the source 170 into the cells 105 so as to exceed the critical pressure. In still other cases, the apparatus 100 can be configured to electrolytically convert portions of the fluid 140 into additional medium 120, such as described in U.S. Patent Application No. 11/227,735, which is incorporated by- reference herein in its entirety.


[0060] In another example, there are systems where none of the conduits are columns. An example is an application where it is desired to vaporize a sample and then direct the sample in a known fashion to multiple pathways (different analytical techniques each getting a portion). It is possible to use a conduit to connect the inlet to a purged splitter, and then have multiple restrictors leading to the multiple destinations. A flexible system would allow the split-path side to be operated somewhat independently from the flow from the initial introduction source.

別の例では、導管のいずれもがカラムでないシステムがある。一例は、サンプルを気化させ、次いで、既知の方法でそのサンプルを複数の経路(それぞれが一部を取得する異なった分析技法)に方向付けることが望ましいアプリケーションである。導管を使用して、流入口をパージ分配器(purged splitter)に接続し、次いで、複数の目的地につながる複数のリストリクタを有することが可能である。柔軟なシステムによって、初期導入源(initial introduction source)からの流れとは幾分独立に分配経路側(split-path side)を動作させることが可能になる。

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