Article 63
Entry into Force of the Treaty
(1)(a) Subject to the provisions of paragraph (3), this Treaty shall enter into force three months after eight States have deposited their instruments of ratification or accession, provided that at least four of those States each fulfill any of the following conditions:
(1)(a) この条約は、(3)の規定に従うことを条件として、八の国が批准書又は加入書を寄託した後三箇月で効力を生ずる。ただし、それらの国のうち少なくとも四の国がそれぞれ、次のいずれかの条件を満たしていなければならない。
(i) the number of applications filed in the State has exceeded 40,000 according to the most recent annual statistics published by the International Bureau,
(ⅰ) 当該国でされた出願の数が、国際事務局によつて公表された最新の年次統計において四万を超えていること。
(ii) the nationals or residents of the State have filed at least 1,000 applications in one foreign country according to the most recent annual statistics published by the International Bureau,
(ⅱ) 当該国の国民又は居住者が一の外国にした出願の数が、国際事務局によつて公表された最新の年次統計において千以上であること。
(iii) the national Office of the State has received at least 10,000 applications from nationals or residents of foreign countries according to the most recent annual statistics published by the International Bureau.
(ⅲ) 当該国の国内官庁が外国の国民又は居住者から受理した出願の数が、国際事務局によつて公表された最新の年次統計において一万以上であること。
(b) For the purposes of this paragraph, the term "applications" does not include applications for utility models.
(b) この(1)の規定の適用上、「出願」には、実用新案の出願を含めない。
(2) Subject to the provisions of paragraph (3), any State which does not become party to this Treaty upon entry into force under paragraph (1) shall become bound by this Treaty three months after the date on which such State has deposited its instrument of ratification or accession.
(2) (3)の規定に従うことを条件として、この条約が(1)の規定に従つて効力を生じた時に締約国とならない国は、批准書又は加入書を寄託した日の後三箇月でこの条約に拘束される。
(3) The provisions of Chapter II and the corresponding provisions of the Regulations annexed to this Treaty shall become applicable, however, only on the date on which three States each of which fulfill at least one of the three requirements specified in paragraph (1) have become party to this Treaty without declaring, as provided in Article 64(1), that they do not intend to be bound by the provisions of Chapter II. That date shall not, however, be prior to that of the initial entry into force under paragraph (1).
(3) 第二章の規定及びこの条約に附属する規則中同章の規定に対応する規定は、(1)に定める三の条件のうち少なくとも一の条件を満たす三の国が同章の規定に拘束される意思を有しないことを次条(1)の規定に基づいて宣言することなく締約国となつた日から、適用する。もつとも、その日は、(1)の規定に基づく当初の効力発生の日前ではないものとする。