私はSOYBEANUSDとCORNUSDの合算をGOLDUSDで除した商に0.4加える経験値から真の物価上昇は1.428%と見ているので、1.24では約0.2%目減りする。名目商品や債券で持つより現物商品か株式で持った方がいい。米国債権は10兆ドルを超えている。毎年200億ドル目減りする資産購入の強制とはなん . . . 本文を読む
According to UCC, the procurement price of green coffee beans this year (in yen terms) has risen more than 1.5 times compared to April last year, and with the addition of cost-increasing factors suc . . . 本文を読む
FMR. PRESIDENT TRUMP: "I'm filing, as the lead class representative, a major class-action lawsuit against the Big Tech giants, including Facebook, Google, and Twitter, as well as their CEOs."
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