公開メモ DXM 1977 ヒストリエ


I needed to clarify with Jonathan.

2021-06-19 07:27:00 | I support Attorney L. Lin Wood.

The past 3 days have been a distraction as I have more meaningful things I want to do with my life than dealing with the shenanigans of lawyers who do not respect the rule of law.

But I will not stand idly on the sidelines and take no action in the face of injustice.

Our court system, too many lawyers, and the State Bar of Georgia leaders are corrupt. I am not the only pro-Trump lawyer being wrongfully persecuted. It is happening all over the nation.

I fight back for myself. And I know that in doing so, I am fighting back for many lawyers who raised legitimate legal questions about the November 2020 election. I am fighting back for We The People.

We cannot accept the illegal and fraudulent November 2020 election.

We must fight back. Our freedom depends on honest elections.

As time passes, we are identifying those who love America and freedom. And in so doing, we are identifying the Communists and Globalists who hate our country and our freedom.

We shall prevail.

Keep fighting.




私は自分のために反撃します。そして、そうすることで、2020年11月の選挙について正当な法的疑問を提起した多くの弁護士のために反撃していることもわかっています。私はWe The Peopleのために戦っています。






Unknown 0:04
Some of the stuff in the complaint didn't make sense I needed to clarify with Jonathan.

Unknown 0:10
Like he claimed that assaulted him and October of 2019 I know exactly what happened. I talked about a little bit and title Wilson's deposition yesterday.

Unknown 0:24
I was in California we were taking depositions and the Ilan Musk case where I represented Vernon's worth a hero who helped save the children in the tag cave rescue.

Unknown 0:37
We had a long day of depositions, went back to the Beverly Hilton.

Unknown 0:41
I had to prepare for depositions early the next morning, I couldn't find my briefcase.

Unknown 0:48
Well, if you ever been a lawyer, you're out of town and you're getting ready to take depositions and you can't find your briefcase, it's got everything in it, you tend to panic. And I did I was looking all over the Beverly Hilton trying to find out if I left it down in the lobby if I left it outside where we unloaded. And I was repeatedly calling Jonathan to see if he had picked it up and taken it to his room or if he had it with him, he didn't answer his phone.

Unknown 1:12
So that's about 45 minutes to an hour of frantically searching and making several calls to Jonathan asked him to please call me back. Someone told me they thought they saw him and he was downstairs at the Beverly Hilton's got assigned down there and he was sitting at a table with a nice dinner spread out in front of him next to a fountain pool of water, beautiful scenery, and his phone was turned off, that it is any lawyer and I wanted to ask him about this you go out of town with a senior partner in a law firm and you're a basically an associate or an assistant, you leave your phone on, especially when you know you've got important depositions, the next day. Well I had some choice words for Mr. Greenberg and I want to ask him if he remembered what I said to him, I didn't threaten him, but I wasn't happy with him.

Unknown 2:00
So we get on the elevator after I told him to get his.

Unknown 2:05
We'll just say rear end up and get to my briefcase in his room.

Unknown 2:10
We get on the elevator and oh Jonathan bows up his chest bumps up against my chest like he's a boy getting ready to go to war and I shoved him against the elevator wall and I said you do that again I drew my fist back said you do that again and I will whip your ass.

Unknown 2:24
Now if anybody assaulted anybody Jonathan assaulted me but I didn't. I didn't start yelling assault.

Unknown 2:33
Jonathan just showing is a ss and so it was what it was.

Unknown 2:38
Never heard another word about it from the boy until all of a sudden, to try to extort me he puts in a claim that I assaulted him. I wanted to ask him about that in detail, because the State Bar of Georgia is relying on this lawsuit that he filed against me, to try to discipline me and disbar me against on based on allegations that are false, that at best with respect to an assault, there are two sides to it. Only two people on the elevator. Wonder why the state bar would be inclined to believe Mr. Greenberg and not me.

Unknown 3:09
Maybe that's part of the State Bar his political agenda to try to discipline me because my politics don't match the politics of the grievance committee members of the State Bar of Georgia, in a political witch hunt that they have instituted against me I wanted to ask Jonathan about all that, I want to also ask him if he talked to grey, Chris Steinmetz or the Georgia Bar or anybody in the Georgia Bar, where they interviewed him to find out the truth about these allegations and their complaint I wanted to find out when he was interviewed who interviewed him how long the interview lasted, what was said by both participants in the interview, a lot of questions about that on a very important issue because this lawsuit filed by Jonathan Greenberg has now become totally intertwined as the basis for the state bar's disciplinary action against me.

Unknown 4:03
Never in my career and now 44 years have I seen a state bar go after a lawyer based on unproven and disputed allegations in a civil lawsuit.

Unknown 4:15
So unheard off.

Unknown 4:17
I want to ask Jonathan what the state bar I told him about that while they were doing that in this instance to me.

Unknown 4:25
I wanted to talk to Jonathan Greenberg about that incident, I want to also talk to him about what he knew about the allegation of Taylor Wilson where he now claims that I assaulted him when he burst into my home on announced after I'd had a very difficult conversation with my daughter and I pushed his chest and said what are you doing here.

Unknown 4:49
I want to ask Jonathan what he knew about that because again that's two people in a situation where I don't know what Ted was gonna say about it because he, he didn't show up either.

Unknown 5:01
I don't know how Jonathan knows anything about it, but nothing was ever said about it.

Unknown 5:07
After the event, until they put it into this lawsuit where they tried to extort me to have me pay them $1.5 million. In the case that even they claim is only worth $647,000 After they get the benefit of $280,000 If I was to pay for their share of the lease They owe me two and $80,000 I want to ask Jonathan when he was gonna pay me.

Unknown 5:32
But he didn't come today.

Unknown 5:36
Jonathan, always rejected me when I would say he was from Chile and he was an ice I'm from Chile.

Unknown 5:45
We used to have a joke in the office because Jonathan was Jewish.

Unknown 5:49
And I would sometimes look him say Jonathan you're just a Chilean Jew, he laughed Taylor would laugh, Nicole would laugh.

Unknown 5:56
And then he files his lawsuit and accuses me of being an anti Semite because I called him a Chilean Jew. He took a joke, and turn it into a heinous accusation of anti semitism. I want to ask him about that in detail today but he didn't show up.

Unknown 6:15
I wanted to ask Jonathan about his expressed hatred for President Donald J Trump.

Unknown 6:24
We used to have a lot of political discussions in the office, they didn't last too long because Jonathan would usually stole him out because he couldn't. He didn't like my position. He knew that I was loyal and avid supporter of President Trump and his efforts to make America great again.

Unknown 6:42
Some of our political discussions I used to look over and say to Jonathan Good gracious Jonathan you're so far left, I think you're a communist.

Unknown 6:51
I want to ask him if he is a member of the Communist Party in the United States of America because based on what I've seen in 2020 with Jonathan Bloomberg.

Unknown 6:59
I want to ask him that question.

Unknown 7:01
I know I've seen Twitter posts that he has retweeted support for Black Lives Matter BLM I did not know that when he worked for me that he was a supporter of BLM, I want to ask him about his involvement with Black Lives Matter. I also wanted to ask him about his involvement potentially with the Communist Party in this country.

Unknown 7:20
But he's not here to, to answer those questions.

Unknown 7:26
I also wanted to go back and ask Jonathan about the time he left work and about eight o'clock at night he went to rock climbing at a facility in Atlanta and he fell because his rope broke when they were blaming him down. He fell 40 feet landed on his feet crushed his feet.

Unknown 7:44
His life was threatened

Unknown 7:48
his extremities were threatened but he received excellent care at Grady Hospital.

Unknown 7:54
And after one year of treatment and recovery, he was able to come back to work. I wanted Jonathan to acknowledge that during that one year I did something I don't believe many employers would do. I paid him his full salary as an associate and supported his family and his recovery in any way possible. I wanted to ask Jonathan if he forgot about that.

Unknown 8:22
Apparently, He did. He also want to ask me forgot forgot about the $200,000 bonus I gave him to help him pay off his student loans. Wonderful.

不明 0:04

不明 0:10

不明 0:24

不明 0:37

不明 0:41

不明 0:48

不明 1:12
45分から1時間くらい必死で探して、ジョナサンに何度も電話して、電話してくれるように頼んだんです。誰かが彼を見たと言っていました 彼はビバリーヒルトンの下の階にいました 彼はテーブルに座っていて 素敵なディナーを目の前に広げていました 噴水プールの横で 美しい景色が広がっていました 彼の携帯電話はオフになっていました それはどの弁護士でも同じです 私はこのことについて彼に聞きたかったのです 法律事務所のシニアパートナーと街の外に出て あなたは基本的にアソシエイトかアシスタントですが 携帯電話をオンにしたままにしておくのです 特に翌日に重要な宣誓証言があることを知っている場合には。脅したわけではありませんが、グリーンバーグ氏には不満がありました。

Unknown 2:00

不明 2:05

不明 2:10

Unknown 2:24

不明 2:33

不明 2:38
その少年からは何も聞いていませんでしたが、突然、私が彼を暴行したと主張して、私を脅そうとしました。ジョージア州弁護士協会は 彼が起こした訴訟を頼りに 私を懲戒免職にしようとしています 虚偽の申し立てに基づいているからです 暴行に関してはせいぜい2つの側面があるくらいです エレベーターには2人しか乗っていませんでした。なぜ州弁護士は、私ではなくグリーンバーグ氏を信じたのか不思議です。

不明 3:09
多分、それは州弁護士の政治的な意図の一部で、私の政治がジョージア州弁護士の苦情処理委員の政治と一致しないので、私を懲らしめようとしているのだと思います 私はジョナサンにこれらのことを聞きたかったのですが、グレー、クリス・スタインメッツ、ジョージア州弁護士、またはジョージア州弁護士の誰かと話したかどうかも聞きたかったのです。ジョナサンがいつインタビューされたのか、誰がインタビューしたのか、インタビューはどのくらい続いたのか、インタビューに参加した二人は何を話したのかなど、非常に重要な問題についてたくさんの質問をしました。

不明 4:03

不明 4:15

不明 4:17

不明 4:25
私はジョナサン・グリーンバーグとその事件について話をしたいと思いました また、テイラー・ウィルソンの申し立てについて知っていることについても話をしたいと思います テイラー・ウィルソンは私が彼を暴行したと主張しています 娘と非常に難しい話をした後、発表された私の家に彼が押し入り、私は彼の胸を押して、ここで何をしているのかと言いました。

Unknown 4:49
ジョナサンに何を知っていたのか聞いてみたいと思います また、この状況では2人の人間がいます テッドが何を言おうとしていたのかわかりません 彼も現れなかったからです

Unknown 5:01

不明 5:07
事件の後、彼らがこの訴訟に持ち込んで150万ドルを払えと恐喝しようとするまではね。彼らの主張でも64万7千ドルの価値しかない事件で、彼らが28万ドルの利益を得た後、もし私が彼らのリースの取り分を支払うとしたら、彼らは私に2と8万ドルの借りがあることになります。 ジョナサンにいつ支払うつもりだったのか聞きたいです。

不明 5:32

不明 5:36

不明 5:45

不明 5:49

不明 5:56

不明 6:15

不明 6:24

Unknown 6:42
政治的な議論をするとき、私はよくジョナサンを見渡してこう言っていました。 ジョナサン、君はあまりにも左に寄っているから、君は共産主義者だと思うよ」と。

不明 6:51

不明 6:59

不明 7:01

不明 7:20

不明 7:26

不明 7:44

不明 7:48

不明 7:54

不明 8:22

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