公開メモ DXM 1977 ヒストリエ


a lie repeated 1,000 times is still a lie.

2021-02-23 19:25:00 | 今日の単語
今日はなんという輝かしい一日を経験しました。次から次へと電話がかかってきて あるものは笑顔をもたらし ある者はしかめ面をした。しかし、それらはすべて良いものでした。

"今日は戦士のチームが集まり始めました 皆様の寄付と愛と祈りが それを可能にしています 敵は何に直面しているのか見当もつかない 敵は既に敗北している

夕方になって少し疲れが出てきた。そして真の神の男 フォーソン・スワンジー牧師からの 一時間の祈りと教育でした うわー。スワンジーはフォンジーだ!彼は敵との戦い方を知っている。敵との戦い方を知ってる

そして、シカゴのピープルズ・ブリッジのベロニカ・ウォルスキーがやってきて、私の心を温め、大きな笑顔で一日を締めくくってくれました。ベロニカは私を謙虚にさせてくれた。彼女は私が敵を倒すためにあなたのために戦うことを決してやめない理由を思い出させてくれました。スワンジー牧師とベロニカさん、ありがとうございました。二人に神の祝福がありますように。ALLに神の祝福を。- リン 🙏❤️🇺🇸


疲れた, 疲労した, (…で)疲れて, 退屈な, あきさせる, うんざりする, (…に)あきあきして, うんざりし

What a glorious day I experienced today. One call after another. Some brought a smile. Some brought a frown. But they were ALL good.

Today a team of warriors began assembling. Your donations, love, and prayers are making it possible. The enemy has no idea what it faces. The enemy has already lost.

The evening found me a little weary from the battles of the day. Then an hour of prayer and education from a true Man of God, Pastor Forson Swanzy. Wow. Swanzy is the Fonzie! He knows how to fight the enemy!

And then along comes Veronica Wolski from the People’s Bridge in Chicago to warm my heart and end my day with a HUGE smile. Veronica humbled me. She reminded me of why I will NEVER stop fighting for you to defeat the enemy. Thank you, Pastor Swanzy and Veronica. God bless both of you. God bless ALL. - Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸

I hear all the talk of potential candidates for the 2022 and 2024 elections. 

The same principle applies to those future elections as I urged with respect to the 2020 GA Senate runoff. Until we fix the theft of the November 3, 2020 election, we can have NO assurances regarding the integrity of any future election.

We cannot ignore the past and move forward into the future “hoping” election fraud will not recur. The enemy did it once (or more) and thinks he got away with it. The enemy will do it again. Or the enemy will save the time and expense  of conducting another fraudulent election and simply tell us who will lead us.

But let’s assume that we have a 2022 election and fraud evidence surfaces again. If the State Bar of GA is successful in revoking my law license for being involved in filing lawsuits challenging the 2020 election, what lawyer is going to risk his or her livelihood and reputation to legally challenge the 2022 election? The answer is obvious. None or at best, only a very few brave souls. 

The GA State Bar fight is presently focused on me. But it is actually aimed at every lawyer in the country. And at every citizen who might wish in the future to hire a lawyer of his or her choice to legally challenge a deprivation of voting rights or an unlawful election.

We must not lose focus by only looking ahead and not taking all available actions to fix the November 3, 2020 election.

And we must not forget for one second that today the enemy is coming after me. Sooner as opposed to later, the enemy will be coming after you.

The time to take a stand is now. Do not let November 3, 2020 go quietly in the night. 

Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸


GA州弁護士会の戦いは 私に焦点を当てているが だが実際には全国の弁護士に向けられている 選挙権の剥奪や不正選挙に合法的に異議を唱えるために、将来的に自分の好きな弁護士を雇いたいと思うかもしれないすべての市民に向けられています。
リン 🙏❤️🇺🇸
Remember, a lie repeated 1,000 times is still a lie. But the enemy believes if you repeat the lie enough times, many will believe it to be true.

Repeating a lie is the Art of Propaganda 101.

Don’t be fooled by the repeated lies. ALWAYS search for the truth. Reject the lies and stand for truth.

🏛️ POLITICS - VIDEO: Senator Grassley: "Have you discussed this Hunter Biden case with the president?"

Attorney General Nominee Merrick Garland: "I have not...”


メリック・ブライアン・ガーランドMerrick Brian Garland1952年11月13日 - )は、アメリカ合衆国裁判官弁護士。2021年1月6日、ジョー・バイデン大統領より同国司法長官に指名された。

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