Border sheriffs slam Biden admin's covert transports of criminal illegal immigrants: 'Willful neglect'
Biden admin's 'secret flights' are leaving the country vulnerable, sheriffs say
不法移民の "秘密飛行 "が政府の請負業者によって行われているとの報道について、国境警備隊はバイデン政権を非難し、"政府公認の人身売買 "だとしています。
ICEの関係者がFox News Digitalに語ったところによると、同機関は現在、暴行、飲酒運転、薬物所持、不法再入国などの軽犯罪を犯した移民を釈放し、重犯罪の移民だけを保留にしているという。
アリゾナ州コチス郡のマーク・ダンネルズ保安官は、Fox News Digitalの取材に対し、これは政権による「故意の怠慢」であり、犯罪者に搾取されやすい状態を放置していると述べました。
「このような秘密の輸送は、アメリカ人の信頼を損なうような、この政権による政治的イデオロギーに役立つだけです。この "故意の "怠慢は、我々の国境地域と国を脆弱にし、暴力的な犯罪カルテルによる犯罪的搾取にさらされることになる」と述べた。
テキサス州ジャクソン郡のA.J.ルーダーバック保安官は、この状況は「深刻極まりない」ものであり、"政府公認の人身売買 "であるとして、調査を行うべきだと述べています。
「これは深刻極まりないことで、何ヶ月も前から発生しており、悪化の一途をたどっています」とLouderback氏。「これは政府が認めた人身売買です。これはすべてバイデンの政策です。バイデンは、税金を使って最大規模の不法移民の組織的移送を計画し、戦略を立て、実行してきたのです。犯罪者の裏切り! 調査を急げ!」とFox News Digitalに声明を出した。
金曜日、ホワイトハウスは、"秘密のフライト "の存在を否定しました。
ホワイトハウスの関係者は声明の中で、タイトル42で追放されなかった個人は、米国の内陸部に移され、足首のブレスレット、または同様の技術で監視されていると述べています。また、DHSの保護下から釈放された不法移民の80%は、Notice to Appear(出頭通知)を受け取り、地元のICEオフィスにチェックインすることが義務付けられている、と関係者は述べています。
さらに同氏は、「別の話ですが、シークレット・フライトなどというものは存在しません。あなたのネットワークが延々と流しているビデオ映像は、6ヶ月前の8月のものです。ところで、ジェン(プサキ)をはじめとする政権の面々は、そのときにもこの件を取り上げています。新しいニュースでもなんでもない。この映像は、同伴者のいない未成年者が移送される様子を撮影したものです。彼らは最終目的地に向かう途中、ニューヨーク州のウェストチェスター郡を通過しています。同伴者のいない子どもたちが、親や審査を受けたスポンサーに速やかに引き渡されるまで、安全に世話をするのが私たちの法的責任です。統一プロセスの一環として、Office of Refugee Resettlementは、保護されている子供たちが全国の家族やスポンサーのもとへ移動するのを促進します。"
"米国移民税関捜査局(ICE)は、国家安全保障、国境の安全、公共の安全に脅威を与える非市民の逮捕と排除に民事移民法執行の優先順位を集中しています。" ICEの広報担当者は、金曜日にFox News Digitalに語りました。
Fox NewsのAdam ShawとBill Meluginがこのレポートに貢献しました。
Border sheriffs are slamming the Biden administration over reports of "secret flights" of illegal immigrants being conducted by government contractors, calling it "government-sanctioned human trafficking."
Fox News reported this week that Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s (ICE) Enforcement and Removal Operations have been turned into an "unofficial travel coordination agency," and agents are made to coordinate travel for some illegal immigrants with criminal records.
An ICE source told Fox News Digital that the agency is now releasing migrants with misdemeanor crimes such as assault, DUI, drug possession and illegal re-entry, and only withholding those with serious felonies.
Additionally, Fox News footage from Sunday showed several federally contracted buses dropping off dozens of mostly male migrants at a parking garage in Brownsville, Texas, after crossing the border with a cartel smuggler. The migrants also said they were flying to destinations including Miami, Houston and Atlanta.
Cochise County, Arizona, Sheriff Mark Dannels told Fox News Digital that this is "willful neglect" by the administration, which is leaving the country vulnerable to criminal exploitation.
"These covert transports only serves a political ideology by this administration that erodes the trust of Americans. This 'willful' neglect leaves our border communities and country vulnerable and exposed to criminal exploitation by violent criminal cartels."
"In my 37 years of law enforcement service, I have never experienced this form of non-collective messaging and defiance regarding our rule of law by our federal leaders and members of U.S. Congress who share the same oath of office to protect Americans and this great nation! I stand united with my fellow Sheriffs who uphold their oath of office in enforcing the rule of law and protecting our communities," continued Dannels.
Jackson County, Texas, Sheriff A.J. Louderback says the situation is "beyond serious" and there must be an investigation into the situation, which he says is "government-sanctioned human trafficking."
"[This is] beyond serious – been occurring for months – only getting worse," said Louderback. "[It's] government-sanctioned human trafficking. This is all Biden policy! The have engineered planned, strategize, and implemented the largest organized transfer of illegal immigrants into the U.S. at the taxpayer expense. CRIMINAL BETRAYAL! Investigation immediate!y!" he told Fox News Digital in a statement,
On Friday, the White House denied that there are "secret flights."
A White House official said in a statement that individuals who are not expelled under Title 42 are relocated into the interior of the U.S. and monitored with an ankle bracelet, or similar technology. In addition, 80% of illegal immigrants released from DHS custody have a Notice to Appear and are required to check in at a local ICE office, said the official.
The official continued, "Separately – there are no such things as secret flights. The video footage your network has been running endlessly is from six months ago in August. Which by the way, Jen [Psaki] and others in the administration addressed this then too. Not new or news. The footage is of unaccompanied minors being transported. Either to a vetted relative or two a sponsor, and yes they passed through Westchester County, NY en route to their final destination. It is our legal responsibility to safely care for unaccompanied children until they can be swiftly unified with a parent or a vetted sponsor. As part of the unification process, the Office of Refugee Resettlement facilitates travel for the children in its custody to their family or sponsors across the country."
"U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) focuses its civil immigration enforcement priorities on the apprehension and removal of noncitizens who pose a threat to national security, border security, and public safety," an ICE spokesperson told Fox News Digital on Friday.
"ICE does not transport noncitizens into the interior of the U.S. for release, nor does it pay for the transportation of noncitizens who are released. ICE transports single adult noncitizens for purposes of detention, transport for medical purposes, staging for removal from the country, or transport to a point of release near a detention facility."
The ICE website notes that 97% released from ICE custody in fiscal year 2022 have no criminal history and ICE officers arrested more than 12,200 noncitizens in the first quarter of that fiscal year.
There were more than 178,000 migrant apprehensions in December, coming on the back of a year that saw more than 212,000 monthly encounters at one point in the crisis.
Fox News' Adam Shaw and Bill Melugin contributed to this report.