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側近がデサンティスに "Dinner for Schmucks "でトランプをやっつけるように要求した

2022-11-27 18:46:04 | カウンター・グレートリセット

Aides Urge DeSantis to Clobber Trump over “Dinner for Schmucks”

By Michael Baxter - November 26, 2022

側近がデサンティスに "Dinner for Schmucks "でトランプをやっつけるように要求した

By Michael Baxter - 2022年11月26日


トランプ氏は、火曜日の夜、トランプ氏のフロリダ州の土地を見たいという理由でYeをマー・ア・ラゴでの夕食に招待し、FuentesはYeの招かれざる客として同行したという話である。後にYeがTwitterに投稿した動画によると、彼は2024年の大統領選で自分の伴侶になってほしいとトランプに頼んでいた。この提案はトランプ大統領からあまり好ましくない発言を誘発し、Breitbartがこのディナーのことを報道してから数時間後にTruth Socialに押し戻された。


フロリダ州の別の場所では、ロン・デサンティス氏が、スタッフから、すぐにトランプ氏の夕食会を全国的な問題にすること、そしてトランプ氏を "無謀""非大統領的 "と糾弾することを勧める指導を耳打ちされていた。コミュニケーション・ディレクターのタリン・フェンスキーは、デサンティスに、トランプの "Dinner for Shmucks"(2010年のコメディ映画にちなんだもの)を呼び出すよう助言した。


DeSantisの副報道官Jeremy RedfernはFenskeの気持ちを代弁し、トランプの「秘密会議は破綻した」、トランプは「彼の本性を見せた」と述べたという。



しかし、知事の首席補佐官であるJames Uthmeier氏は、トランプの饗宴について異なる見解を示した。イエとフエンテスがトランプをはめたのだ」。


"挑発者 "であるフエンテスの存在を知らなかったのだ。彼はいずれにせよ、カニエのゲストを追い払うつもりはなかったのは確かだ」と、UthmeierはDeSantisに語った。"これはセットアップがすべて書いてある。カニエは大統領になりたがっている。フエンテスは彼のキャンペーンに参加している。彼らはトランプを弱体化させたいのです。だから、彼らはフエンテスが悪評をもたらすことを知っていて、メディアがそれを実行することを期待して、すべてをリークしたのです"。



我々は、トランプ報道官のリズ・ハリントンに連絡を取ったが、彼は "我々はこの問題について言うべきことはすべて言った "と言った。



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Aides of Florida Governor Ron DeSantis are urging him to deliver a decisive, merciless blow upon Donald J. Trump for imprudently hosting a banquet for two controversial, polarizing figures currently basking in media limelight—Ye, formerly known as Kanye West, and Nick Fuentes, a 24-year-old kid accused of spouting antisemitic and misogynistic comments on his livestream broadcasts.

Trump, as the story goes, invited Ye to dinner at Mar-a-Lago Tuesday evening because the latter was eager to see Trump’s Florida estate, and Fuentes tagged along as Ye’s uninvited guest. According to a video Ye later posted to Twitter, he had asked Trump to be his running mate in the 2024 presidential election, a suggestion that provoked some not-so-nice remarks from President Trump, who pushed back on Truth Social hours after Breitbart reported on the dinner.

Trump posted Ye had come to him for business advice, adding he had no idea who Fuentes was prior to the Tuesday meal.

Elsewhere in Florida, Ron DeSantis’ was getting an earful of guidance from staff members recommending that he at once make Trump’s dinner a national issue, and that he denounces Trump as “reckless” and “unpresidential.” Communications Director Taryn Fenske advised DeSantis to call out Trump’s “Dinner for Shmucks,” a reference to a 2010 comedy film.

“Trump invited a Hispanic white supremacist and a Black antisemite to dinner. Don’t sit on this, Governor. Trump saying he didn’t know about Fuentes is absurd. He’s also said he didn’t know who Julian Assange was—after quoting and quoting WikiLeaks dozens of times in 2016. He knew exactly who he was dealing with, and Trump met them for a reason. We shouldn’t believe Fuentes just showed up uninvited out of the blue. Mar-a-Lago doesn’t work like that—guests are RSVP and background checked,” Fenske told DeSantis, according to a source in Gov. DeSantis’ office.

DeSantis’ Deputy Press Secretary Jeremy Redfern reportedly echoed Fenske’s sentiment, saying Trump’s “secret meeting went bust” and that Trump “showed his true colors.”

“Governor DeSantis, we’re talking about Trump dining with a holocaust denier who says women shouldn’t have the right to vote. Fuentes is vile. If Trump’s allying with people like him and Kanye, you must take this news center stage,” Redfern said. “These pernicious malcontents aren’t true MAGA—they’re emerging icons of hatred.”

Redfern went on to say that Ye and Fuentes look to normalize racism and make it part of mainstream conservative political ideology.

However, the governor’s chief-of-staff, James Uthmeier, had a different take on Trump’s feast: Ye and Fuentes set Trump up.

Trump, Uthmeier explained, has a historical propensity for embracing yes-men, fawners, and constituents who effusively sing him praise. Both Ye and Fuentes fit the bill. Uthmeier argued that Trump, ever a gracious host, probably believed Ye just wanted to sneak a peek at Trump’s lavish 62,500-square-foot mansion and had no clue Fuentes, an “agent provocateur,” was along for the ride.

“Maybe Trump’s clueless about Fuentes. He certainly wasn’t going to turn away Kanye’s guest either way,” Uthmeier told DeSantis. “This has setup written all over it. Kanye wants to be president. Fuentes is part of his campaign. They want to undermine Trump. So, they knew Fuentes would bring bad press, and leaked the entire thing hoping the media would run with it.”

Gov. DeSantis chose valor over vindictiveness, saying he would “sit this one out to see what happens” rather than meddle in Trump’s personal affairs.

None of RRN’s three Mar-a-Lago sources were present Tuesday night, so we can’t make an official comment on Trump’s reaction.

We reached out to Trump spokesperson Liz Harrington, who said, “We’ve said all we have to say on the issue.”

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