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読書 その四十四 賞

2011年03月05日 15時15分23秒 | 読書 (国吉康雄、回顧展カタログの翻訳)

"Eggplant" 1921, pen, ink, and brush on paper, (37.2x26.5cm)
The University of Iowa Museum of Art, Iowa City

交流を始めました。 1930年以来、彼は全国での大きな現代アメリカ美術の全ての

"Grapes in White Bowl" 1923, pen, brush, colored ink, and graphite on paper, (56.7x39.2cm)
Wadsworth Atheneum, Hartford, Connecticut, Gift of William E. Hill

After the Daniel Gallery went out of business he began a connection with
the Downtown Gallery that has lasted ever since. Since 1930 he has been in-
cluded regularly in the large annual exhibitions of contemporary American art
throughout the country. Starting in 1931 he received a succession of awards and
honors, including two of the most important, the Temple Gold Medal of the
Pennsylvania Academy and the first prize at the Carnegie Institute. In 1933 he
began teaching at the Art Students League, where he has been one of the most
popular instructors since then; and he has also taught for many years at the New
School for Social Research.

"Leaves in a Vase" 1924, pen, ink, brush, watercolor, and graphite on paper, (50.4x36.5cm)
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco, Achenbach Foundation for Graphic Arts.


"Squash" 1924, pen, ink, brush, colored ink, and graphite on paper, (38.7x56.5cm)
Indianapolis Museum of Art, The Robert and Traude Hensel Collection.

"Plant" 1925, pen, ink, brush, and graphite on paper. 56.5 x 38.7cm
The Museum of Modern Art, New York, gift of Abby Aldrich Rockefeller.

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読書 その四十三 現存アメリカ19人展

2011年03月05日 04時00分46秒 | 読書 (国吉康雄、回顧展カタログの翻訳)

クニヨシは、これに憤慨し、いまでも嫌っています; 彼は最近こう言っています:
「私は、少年の頃からここで仕事をし生活をしている。 私の美術の訓練と教育は、
アメリカの大地とアメリカの学校からだ。 私の接し方、考え方は隣の人と丁度同じでアメリカ人だ。」

"La Toilette" 1928. Oil on Canvas, (36 x 30 inches), Fukutake Shoten Collection, Okayama.

From his return from Paris in 1929, Kuniyoshi's reputation grew steadily.
When the Museum of Modern Art in December 1929 staged its much-debated
exhibition of "Nineteen Living Americans," selected by vote of its trustees, he
was one of the youngest painters chosen. His Japanese birth bothered the critics
and there was much argument as to whether or not he was an American. Kuni-
yoshi resented this and still resents it; as he has lately said: "I have worked and
lived here since a boy. My art training and education have come from American
schools and American soil. I am just as much an American in my approach and
thinking as the next fellow."

New York Museum of Modern Art = MoMA, Re-designed by Yoshio Taniguchi in 2004.

MoMA (Museum of Modern Art), ニュー・ヨーク近代美術館のアーカイブを見ると、
第2回目の展覧会として行われました。 初回は、セザンヌ、ゴーギャン、ゴッホ、そして

19人の中には、クニヨシの先生や学友の名前もあります。 その他、エドワード・ホッパー、

19人の画家を選んだ40人前後のトラスティー達の中では、当然ですがミセス・ジョン・ディー・ロックフェラー、や ガーチュード・ウィットニーことミセス・ハリー・ペイン・ウイットニー、意外な名前は例のクニヨシを援助したチャールス・ダニエル、写真家でオ’キーフのハズバンドのアルフレッド・スティグレイツ、それに原爆のオッペンハイマーの名前がありました。

 The first exhibition of the Museum of Modern Art, comprising
one hundred works by Cezanne, Gauguin, Van Gogh and Seurat came
to its close December 7th. Over 47,000 people came to the exhibition,
numbers increasing rather than diminishing as the four weeks passed.
The last day 5300 people crowded the Gallery. In addition to the
ordinary attendance of the day special groups of students from
Columbia, Barnard, New York University as well as numbers of artists,
came during the evenings.
 The second exhibition of the Museum of Modern Art, open to
the public on Friday, December 13th, will be devoted to paintings
by Nineteen Living Americans. The invitation opening will be held
Thursday, December 12th.

The nineteen painters are:
Charles E. Burohfield
Charles Demuth
Preston Dickinson
Lyonel Feininger
Pop Hart
Edward Hopper
Bernard Karfiol
Rockwell Kent
Walt Kuhn
Yasuo Kuniyoshi
Ernest Lawson
John Marin
Kenneth Hayes Miller
Georgia O'Keeffe
Jules Pascin
John Sloan
Eugene Speicher
Maurice Sterne
Max Weber

The list was drawn up in the following manner. Lists of over
a hundred of the better known American painters were distributed
among the trustees of the Museum. Each trustee was asked to
check the fifteen painters whom he thought should be shown
in the first American exhibition adding the names of painters
not on the list. The resulting consensus was carefully studied
by an executive committee of three who made out the final list of
Nineteen. It is believed that these Nineteen painters represent
a fair cross section of the most mature artists of both conservative
and radical tendencies. The number was limited to twenty or less
because it seemed better to show at least five paintings b y each
man rather than one or two by a large number of painters. It was
of course necessary to omit in such a small group many artists
who are perhaps equal in quality to those chosen. The trustees
wish to emphasize the fact that future exhibitions will make it possible
to include many of the painters not shown in this exhibition.
Whenever possible the pictures themselves were chosen with the
cooperation of the painter.

"Pears, Grapes and Peaches" 1927, transfer lithograph printed in black, 16x12in
Collection of the Museum of Modern Art. Given anonymously.
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