"Up Stream", 1922. Oil on canvas. (76.7 x 60.8cm). Denver Art Museum.
初めのうち彼は、角に座って他の人に話させる傾向がありました。 しかし1930年代の
クニヨシは、実行委員会にいて、後に五人の副会長の一人になりました。 彼の政治に関する
された戦争とファシズムのシンポジウムで演説をしました。 それ以来、クニヨシはしばしば
会員や活動の増強を進めました。 彼自身の初期の苦労は、彼をアーティストによる組織と
協同運動、そして彼らのために一生懸命働く事を信じるようにしました。 こういった活動は
人として又芸術家として大きな意味を持っていると彼は感じます。 それらは彼にとって、
"She's going", 1944. Oil on Canvas. (16 x 12in). Mead Art Museum, Amherst, Massachusetts.
Gift of Mr. & Mrs. James Schramm, Class of 1926
From his early career Kuniyoshi was a member of liberal artists' organiza-
tions. At first he had a tendency to sit in a corner and let other people do the
talking. But in the middle 1930' he began to play a more active role. When the
American Artists' Congress was founded in 1935 he was on the executive com-
mittee and later became one of five vice-chairmen. His political views have
always been liberal, and in 1936 he spoke in a symposium on war and fascism
arranged by the Congress. Since then he has often spoken in public. In 1939 he
was elected president of An American Group, and informal society of progressive
artists, and proceeded to build up its membership and activities. His own early
hardships have made him believe strongly in organization and cooperative effort
by artists, and to work hard for them. These activities, he feels, have meant much
to him as a man and an artist. It is evident that they have been of special im-
portance to him in making him feel at home in this country and in the community
of art. Since the recent founding of Artists' Equity, based on common economic
interests and avoiding the pitfalls of artistic differences on the one hand and
ideological differences on the other, Kuniyoshi has served as its president during
the critical organizing period - evidence of the regard in which he is held by his
fellow artists. He has proved to be an extremely good executive, hard-working,
skillful and diplomatic.
Kuniyoshi and others at the Artists Equity Ball, 1950, Dec.
B&W, 21 x 25cm, unidentified photographer.