

Contact free cutlery

2008-12-08 16:25:08 | Weblog
I had to go to a nearby town by train, but
that apart I think I achieved a lot today?

For a start I felt it imperative that coating
started on the current lot. You will see below
three images.

These are mostly dinosours. I am pretty much satified with
the enhanced contrast after coating of these. The Borneo
iron tree turned out to be a little better than I had thought.

These are bean curd smashers and the contrast is just
as I imagined. Darker side pieces are black walnut.
Believe me, there are paler coloured walnut materials.

These are my favorites. Forc-knives. With two more penetration
coatings the contrasts will be further enhanced.

Today, I sold one of these long bootsholders at the
department store I am connected with. Here are
15 of them, all dusts free and ready for handover.

In actuality it will be me who will have to arrange
the display in the shop. So, I bought a pair of Chirstmas
boots, a little tatty and baggy, but I cannnot help it...

The most important thing is for potential customers
to know what my bootsholders are meant to achieve...

For the time being my price tags will be held by
commercially available tag holders. They look OK,
made of metals and plastics, but then I deal with

wooden artefatcs. So, I boughtsome materials
as you see above, so that I can put them together to
ke my own tag holders.

In fact, there are some other things I need to fabricate.

One of them, quite soon, I think, is the bootsholder
stand. Another is an array of wooden tubes, into
which I can insert things like spoons for display.

Tubes will be cut halfway down the height diagonally.
I should have bought them today!

So, for the next one week or so I will be pretty
much preocupied with things which are not normally
my line of work...

Still, I like the idea.

パエ-リャ 154

2008-12-08 16:24:48 | Weblog
Conchita, como estas?

Aqui, hace mucho frio, como ayer...
Ahora entonces, vamos?

Mi situacion seria vivir en una granja, y tener
una hamaca rodeada de vegetacion!

en persona

Siempre he querido tener hijos!

al principio

a principio de NANINANI

al poco lato

Ella prefiere evitar hablar de su vida privada!

si quieres saber algo de el

Lo siento, pero esto es todo lo que hay!

Honestamente, estoy siempre en un avion!

Es un gasto superfluo!

en numerosas occaciones

por alguna oscura razon

Conchita, vamos ingles!

Pound has stayed put against American dollars

The lady at the reception referred me to you...

People are shy and inhibited!

a repair kit

We have a faulty traffic signal!

接触不良だわ! (電気関係で)
We have a doggy connection!

I can never get over you...

The thing I called you about is DOUNOKOUNO

ええ!? それって誤解よ!
Oh!, you are misunderstanding me!

I will go along with that!

This is something we keep going over...

Conchita, let us call it a day, shall we?
Take care!