

No table contact cutlery, heavy duty spoons

2008-12-20 17:04:00 | Weblog
Conchita, yes, I did things, but I have only
a few images, lo siento...

I told you that I rely heavily on my old disk sander.
You see two disks below. You may think that the one
loaded now is more abrasive, by the look of it, anyway.

As a matter of fact, the one loose below it is
more abrasive, and it is one I nearly discarded
as wasted.

I am going to use it from tommorrow. The thing is this.
These disks are so durable. One loaded now has been in use
for more than two years, I think.

You can buy one of these for a mere JPY 500, or so!

Above? My width and depth decision jigs. I have
problems with these. I have put these up as I
worked on different things.

You then scribble on these so that you do not forget
what's what. The trouble is that I have scribbled
more than one reminder with confusing results.

I should assign one for one end product only.
So, since alminium is costly I will buy
plastic angles. That will be the only way

in which I can sort out my decision jigs...

Above are conventional baby feeders, not concaved yet.
The K girl was admant that she should have these.

Above was my proposal to her, but she would not listen...
I really think that these are better, but then...
you just cannot contradict an energetic young woman.

Today, I did some more work, but I did not bother
to take photos.

I delivered my beasts and other to the new shop.
The guy was very plaesed and in fact some of my
pieces had been sold, in particular, the largest

spoon I have made. So, I will have to work on them
for more stock. I also sent a package to a friend
of mine who was eager to pay for my bootsholders

and other things. I have had to oblige...

I had given her an assortment of my pieces,
but she wanted buy more from me for
the season...

Tommorrow, I will go to another shop for sorting
out the finance there. 21 beasts will be given away
in the spirit of the season...

パエ-リャ 166

2008-12-20 17:03:38 | Weblog
Conchita, buenas tardes y como estas?
Quedamos separados, no...?

Aqui tambien ha llegado La Navidad!
Tengo mis iluminaciones funcionando!

Entonces, vamos!

Habra intervalos nubosos

お昼過ぎからは, お昼を過ぎると
a partir del mediodia

Los vientos se pueden superar los 90 km/h!

La nieve estara ascendiendo por la manya-na
por encima de 1.5 m

La nieve pasara de 1.3 m subiendo a 1.7 m

Temperaturas en ligero ascenso

en zonas elevadas

en la vertiente Cantabrica

Las precipitaciones seran menos cuanto mas al sur

Es un punto a favor!

Conchi, vamos ingles, no?

If you are plang a sporting weekend

Something is bound to give!

He must be up to no good!

Let it be said that way!

It may be taken that way!

I wil turn my back on you while you get changed!

I agree up to a point!

I will tell you one thing, though...

in the faint hope that DOUNOKOUNO

wih sympathy rather than anything else

Play it down!

if you feel something is distasteful

I had a glance through it!

You cannot afford to be selective!

Conchi, this should be more than enough, no?
Take care!