

Easy to place cutlery, bootsholdes

2008-12-09 16:42:44 | Weblog
Just like the weather today it has been a
rather dull day...

Still, I had a hightlight, with the newly
opened shop. No picture of the shop, yet.

The thing is this. I went there with papers ready
for contract and this guy told me something
I totally did not expect, just thinking that

will have to arrange the display of my pieces
once the contract is in place.

He said that my pieces are so superior in quality
compared with others who had their contracts
before me and that

he himself will do the display and everything else
in a far bigger space that only he can use for himself!

So, my pieces are effectively like a panda in a zoo!

Anyway, the day started with wet sanding. See this
murky water as a result

And, they are drying for recoating in the cold weather...
They have been coated, and this prcess will continue
for some time to come.

These are the things I took to the store, minus
the bootsholders. A lot more including the
current lot will be joining the forces soon...

Can you guess what this is? It is an eels trap my
brother in Seattle made. It came with his mail today.

Now, I have not yet responded to this idea, but,
there is a fundamental flaw in this design.
Naturally, the idea itself is sound.

However, the problem is that metal reversals.

The bore in the cetre is too large, too. I am
dead certain that the unfortunate eel will
wriggle its way out through this hole,

slicing half of its body surface with the metal
hooks in so doing.

With a trap like this you must squeeze the
final ingression area to a point (loose point)
so that the poor chap cannot even stick its

head out in the reverse direction. Reversals
need not be made of metal, at all. Any
bunch of thin pieces of any material

will do just fine. Do they have bamboos
out in Seattle? Else, plastic pieces
spring to my mind.

I will be hearing a lot more about his
catch in weeks to come!

パエ-リャ 155

2008-12-09 16:42:22 | Weblog
Conchita, como estas? Estas preocupada?

Hoy aqui, hace mucho frio...
No me sorpresara si nevare uno de estos dias!
Ahora, vamos?

asi como NANINAI (such as)

como tal (as such)

como ultimo recurso

como cualquiera que seas

El ejercicio regular puede disminuir
el riesgo de cancer

Esas personas son menos propenasas
a desarrollar cancer

en las mujeres fisicamente activas

Eso es muy interesante e intrigante!

al respecto/respecto a eso

No es algo que se haya visito mucho!

Conchi, desde aqui en ingles!

Poeple just turn their heads away!

recently, or rather a while ago

We are still no nearer the truth!

I do not know how the fire started!

when I was on a tube

That may be so!

Do you go along with that!?

If you hang on I will come back to you!

If you reach across and switch off your radio

I had nowhere to sit down!

The beauty of it is NANINANI!

I just echo what you have just said!

I am just trying to put the record straight!

Conchi, this should be enogh for now?
Take care!