

Unusual cutlery series, bootsholders

2008-12-14 16:58:03 | Weblog
Over the last few months I have accumulated a range
of pieces ready for coating. Why do I bring this out now?

Partly because I do not know where exactly I am
in relation to immediate needs that there might be...
More realistically, there was a sudden realisation

that some of these seen below might be useful to
one particular person in need of cash...

You have seen what is shown below before, but
they are now level at the top, ready for concaving.
Today, I made another 3 of these.

These are additional pegs, rounded at one end,
ready for being struck into holes.

Conchita, for some reason I could not do much today,
in terms of hard products. It was raining and cold,
and that might have been it, partly, at least...

Above image, it makes me think. There are 40 pegs
in the sachet, bought for JPY 100. Now, I make pegs
of my own, seen above.

I buy raw materials with a circular crosssection at
6 mm, length 900 mm. I cut them into 30 mm pegs.
That gives me 30 of them for the buying price of JPY 70.

These JPY 100 pegs are of 8 mm in diam, and there are
spiral slits down the whole length and both ends are

You see what I am getting at? The prices are almost the same...
It make me think... It really does...

Anyway, I did do some more work on beasts. Oh, yes,
I did my coating with the current lot. This is
on top of that, of course.I did mean to do other things.

I never got around to that...
So, for the remainder of my time in the workshop
I was just looking around.

I really need to sort out my space problem in there.

I did come up with one solution. In fact, it seemed and
seems a very good solution. There is a leftover of
almost ready made hselfing material from yesterday's

reconfiguration. I had to cut out 2/3 of a single
unit, previously used for displayat a shop. I realised that
the remaining 1/3 can be used to close the gap

that there is in my workshop. I will work on that tommorrow.
That will make my life a lot easier, I think.

In the meantime, today I found what is seen above.
There are pieces in there, plus a manual in English,
for my newly bought planer.

Yes, there was a manual after all..., just lost and missing
in the caos of yesterday.

I am being pressed for time!I need to fabricate
infant feeders, and some other things, too.

Normally, I like it busy, but I may be too busy
at the moment. Conchita, as I told you I will be
away from home over 26 and 27 of this month.

Logging will be stopped over that period.
take care!

パエ-リャ 160

2008-12-14 16:57:43 | Weblog
Conchita, como estas?

Aqui, hace frio y lluvia...
Hoy he estado muy ocupado con unas cosas.
Las maquinas que compre ayer son muy buenas!
Ahora entonces vamos?

al dia

Estoy al dia!

eso si

Este fin de semana la descubri!

El Endeavor esta en perfecto estado para el
regreso a la tierra

Estoy listo para regresar!

en una conferencia de prensa

en una conversacion telefonica

Si me ha llegado a mi supongo que habra llegado

a todo el mundo!

de algunos rodeos

el margen de como se hizo

Me quede mal porque ...

Conchita, vamos ingles aqui!

Tommorrow's outlook is fine!

I give those only as examples!

I hate to tell you this, but ...

Do not be hard on kids!

You must have something up your sleeve!

one hell of a story of one hell of a man

You are not going to believe this, but ...

Still at it!?


He was stopped for speeding,
but bribed his way out of it!

Of course that is not to say DOUNOKOUNO!

Conchita, that is it for now!
Take care!