

Contactless cutlery, baby and infant cutlery

2008-12-22 17:07:56 | Weblog
Conchi, I could not do much today, with shoppings
here and there and over there...

Before going out, though, I did complete one
infant feeder and even managed to coat it
in a preemptive way...

You are looking at the concaved side of the thing here.

Today's shopping was good, because I got things
I had wanted for a long time at discount prices.
One above here is a new vice. I do have more than
a few of them. The one I have been using heavily

is good, all cast iron and all that, but the opening
was the problem, only up to 70mm...

One you are looking at now can manage up to
100+mm, and that is good, because it can fix
my toast placers.

One of the largest spoons is shaping up to
its final stage of completion and all that remains
with this one is to make it concave. I have got 5 more
to go and I think I will give it a prioity...

Here above, the new vice has been installed on my
milling machine. I am happy, I am!

These, I bought them too. One of them is a line
marker for cutting. I meant to make one, but this
was so chaep, I just had to buy it.

Here is its close-up. This gave me a new insight
into the mechanims of this kind. Last night, only
last night I was thinking about it, that is

how you might arrange for the tightening screw
to be fixed in the jig. I had in mind something a little more
complicated than this. That is why this is good!

I tell you why it is good briefly. The most
important thing with this device is to fix
the protrusion of the knife slider.

You do that with a tightening screw, seen to
the right of the assembly. It must have its
counterpart female nut. Well, it is inserted in the narrow

slit in the body. You cannot see it with this image.

It has implications, and it can be used in
similar situations! That is why I am in full
praise of this simple device!

That does not mean I will discard my
existing jigs. They are useful in their own

パエ-リャ 168

2008-12-22 17:07:17 | Weblog
Conchita, buenas tardes, y como estas?

Aqui debajo, ves mi iluminacion de la Navidad?
Buena, no? Muy pequenyas luces...
Ahora, vamos!

Se registran algunas heladas debiles de madurugada
en puntos del interiores

los vientos flojos de componete oeste

prediccion por comunidades

temperaturas en general en ligero ascenso

vientos moderados al flojos en el resto

un sondeo hecho a 1,000 hombres y mujeres
de 12 paises

el varon, la feminina

a pesar de esos esfuerozos menos de la mitad
de los hombres ...(dounokouno)

los perros con traje de Papa Noel

los villancios en las calles

Se ven centenares en la calle!

Conchita, vamos ingles desde aqui!

It suddenly daunted on me that NANINANI!

You are barking at the wrong tree!

It is a lovely piece of music!

How do you face up to the day?

staying still one moment and zooming away
the next moment

North Circular way is not sign posted!

I am still in two minds about DOUNOKOUNO!

Kids sniff up adhesives!

I think something is in your arguement!

I say!

The dog leapt up onto the stage!

Conchita, enough for now, no?
Take care!