

Baby and infant feeders, bootsholders

2008-12-19 17:15:16 | Weblog
Conchita, I did a lot today, I think...

Things, you know, takes time, they really do!
What you see below is not much different from yesterday's,
but they are more refined.

Their surfaces are nice and smooth so that they can
accept the side bars for cementing.

I will talk more about these in a minute.

This above, it makes me think. And funny, if
you come to think about it. It is only a piece of wood.
It is a residual from earlier baby feeder cuttings.

What I thought then was that because I had cut out
6 for conventional baby feeders I would leave the
rest as a spare, in case the K girl wanted more.

However, I wanted to make use of it for more
refined (?) babay feeders. I looked for it, and
initially I could not locate it in my workshop.

Eventually, after a lot of messing about I found it.
Somehow, it made me feel so happy... It is only a
small thing, really.

Perhaps, happiness is a small thing like this...?

Anyway, here above disected pieces are seen. Of course
I had to cut out small side bars from oak, not seen here.

Much more time consuming was these drop shaped side
bars for infant feeders. I had to go jigsaw with these.
On top of that, I miscounted the number I needed.

Further more I made a serious mistake in sanding only
on a particular side of these. Not even that! I was
very naievely thinking that all the sidebars

could be treated in the same way. More on that soon.

Halfway through my work today, I felt that the position
of my jigsaw was not right and I stopped my sanding work
and spent some time rigging up the base for it.

I am a lot happier now. Until then, this things was
hidden away between the bandsaw and the large
belt sander on the right. It was dark in there...

Above is the saddest thing today. The number of the side bars
was not enough! Not only that the symmetricity had
betlayed me. I should have sanded them into pairs!

So, I have ended up cementing only one side bar per
each of the inner pieces! However, in a way, this is
good for several reasons.

1. It is difficult to cement two side bars at the same time.
2. Cementing one at a time ensures it is more firmly fixed.
3. No matter how much you want to complete the
cementing process in one go you cannot hope to
work on cemented ones in a single day, if the number is large.

Yes, I am using my clumping jig, as well, not shown here.

Above are the baby feeders being cemented. Side bars are
not that extensive, and only one clump each is OK.

There you are, Conchita, I have done a lot and have
had some new small discoveries, too.

Take care and feliz Navidad!

パエ-リャ 165

2008-12-19 17:14:40 | Weblog
Conchita, buenas tardes y como estas?

Aqui hoy hace buen tiempo, un poco frio...
Tengo hambre, pero vamos!

los ordenadores, los monitores, las consolas de
videojuegos, los discos duros externos

la fiebre por tener siempre lo ultimo!

Piensalo bien!

Dounokouno, pero eso no quiere decir que


el reciclaje

si tienes algo de imaginacion!

Te puede ser muy util!

Tienes un poco de pericia con la electronica?

los armarios

De que forma pueden aprovechar los componentes
de un equipo?

Lo mas importante es NANINANI!

Conchi, aqui vamos ingles, no!

Somebody called in!

Treat her a night in a casino?

It is going to be a hard day's night tonight!

I hope you will make it home safely!

I hve got a double problem!

Do not make it your last!

They bend over backward to help!

Do you like it here?

It is terribly sad it has happned this way!

Surf was not high enough!

Conchita, that is it, then. Take care!