

Baby spoons are forever, bootsholders

2008-12-23 16:46:06 | Weblog
Conchita, I had usual chores today, such as
taking my wife to a meeting, minding vegetable plot, etc etc.
Then came a phone call and that was good!

The lady N is after all renting the shop she wanted.
This could be a turning point in my own work. Hers will be
the second fully fledged shop for my pieces.

That reminded me of something about the exterior of my workshop.

Up until now, for the last 6, 7 years by now,
my windows have been as they were bought, with papers
stuck on the double glazed panes.

I decided to remove them, as seen above. I will get
more sun light!

Having done the exterior I ctinued with the
interior, too. Two horizontal bars were added and
clocks were fixed. Bars have new holes and

a lot of my tool bits inserted there for ease
of operation. This may seem unimportant, but
it will make all the difference in the long run...

With so much time spend on other things I only
work on a few. Coating continued, of course.
Above is the largest of my spoons ready

for coating tommorrow.

So are these baby feeders. Conchi, you know?,
these are ostensbily baby feeders, but, they are
also meant for posterity.

So desgined and so fabricated, and so coated
so that the bay will be able use it
one day in the near future.

He/she may decide to take it for something
they need one for... Who knows?

Right, that is it!
Take care!

パエ-リャ 169

2008-12-23 16:45:42 | Weblog
Conchita, buenas tardes y como estas alla?

Aqui hoy hace buen tiempo, un poco frio...
Sabes, no?, que tenemos aqui las festividades
del nuevo anyo, si, en tu pais tambien,

por supuesto que si, pero... aqui
son simplemente muchas mas grandes!

Ahora, vamos!

Ya esta aqui la Navidad!

para ayudar a entender como DOUNOKOUNO

el ultimo retroceso glacial

Hay una interesante correlacion!

la diminucion del poder romano y bizantino en la region

una encuesta acerca de que aspectos
hacen atractivos a los varones

el segundo requisito mas importante

las entrevistas cara a cara y telefonicas

la encuesta llevada a cabo en octubre

la discrepancia entre hombres y mujeres

el coche solar

Conchi, vamos ingles aqui!

You stay on the motorway until you get to the
entrance to DOKOSOKO!

We talked in some length about DOUNOKOUNO!

The car hit the lamp post and rolled over!

7 tortoises died and they held a postmortum!

He does not want to take chances!

I will tell you if you care to know!

It makes you wonder just how safe we are on the road!

We will back you all the way along!

in this day and age

You are overdoing it a bit!

Conchi, that is about it for now.
Do not forget, though, that despite the fact
that all these appear simple (and some indeed are)

I was painstakingly colleting expressions
useful to me. Do not also forget that by this
stage I was already far more competent

in the use of the language compared to anyone
who were around attending language schools.
They had all day for that, and I did not!,

being extremely busy with my experiments
in the laboratory!

Conchi, so, you stay with me and at the end of
a few years you will be comfortable with these!

Take care!