

Infant spoons, floating cutlery

2008-12-18 16:38:13 | Weblog
Conchita, I keep saying this, don't I?!
I could do not much today, but on reflection
I may have done a lot.

Frist thing in the morning I took care of
those that had gone mat and then I had to
take my wife to her Christmas gathering.

That cosumed quite a lot of my time. On return,
I made one template (no image), and then
got on with my cutting work.

Seen below is the large piece I worked on.

That was sliced into these above, and that took me
smething like one hour or longer. I then had to
transcrive my template, then cutting them out

using a jigsaw.

Above showing you the result. There are 24 of them here.

My decision last night was that after all I should
make the stems side banded with walnut. These pieces
here are oak.

There are at least three more processes,
in fact four if you include cementing of the side bands.

1) Make the outlines exact by sanding
2 Make the stem surfaces smooth so that
cementing is effective
3) Cut out walnut pieces into more or lee
tringular shape to go with the stem side profile

So, Conchita, you know how things take time.
I am feeling like to cry one your shoulder,
or better still on your up top!

As I told you my working hours are from 10:00
to 16:00. I still had some time, so continued
with my egg placers.

These need refinement work, of course. Howeve,
I am slowly getting there. My current idea is
that I will complete 12 of these and stop there.

I have, then, four more to complete, and if they sell
at all I will star working on the remaining 10
or so pieces. I do not want to waste my time,

working on things that do not sell...

Conchita, so much on today's work!
Vaya con Dios!

パエ-リャ 164

2008-12-18 16:37:46 | Weblog
Conchita, como estas?

Aqui hoy, hace buen tiempo, no viento, nada...
Pensaba solo sobre una cosa, que lo que puedo
hacer en un dia esta muy limitado.

Yo soy solo yo aqui! Pues, vamos!

Solo imagina cuanto se podria hacer!

reconocer las piezas

Haces todo lo posible!

Cuando el atractivo de la novedad desaparece,
que tenemos!?

Seguro (de) que DOUNOKOUNO!

良くやったわね! (褒める)
Bien echo!

las companas de boda

un anillo de compromiso

Dicho y echo!

hecho a mano

El eco es que NANINANI!

No jubiles a tu viejo ordenador!

再利用しなさいよ!(le =パソコンの事)
Darle una segunda vida!

Enpieza a contar!

Conchi, ahora vamos ingles!

Do not get away with the idea that DOUOKOUNO!

Let us get on with the game!

Nobody wants to be involved!

They may be up to some monkey business!?

The taxi meter notches up in 60 yen steps!

If you freeze a wine alcohol will
separate out!

I will take your word for it!

in a roundabout sort of way

I take your point there!

I quie see that!

Conchita, that is the lot for today.
Take care!