

Contact free cutlery

2008-12-08 16:25:08 | Weblog
I had to go to a nearby town by train, but
that apart I think I achieved a lot today?

For a start I felt it imperative that coating
started on the current lot. You will see below
three images.

These are mostly dinosours. I am pretty much satified with
the enhanced contrast after coating of these. The Borneo
iron tree turned out to be a little better than I had thought.

These are bean curd smashers and the contrast is just
as I imagined. Darker side pieces are black walnut.
Believe me, there are paler coloured walnut materials.

These are my favorites. Forc-knives. With two more penetration
coatings the contrasts will be further enhanced.

Today, I sold one of these long bootsholders at the
department store I am connected with. Here are
15 of them, all dusts free and ready for handover.

In actuality it will be me who will have to arrange
the display in the shop. So, I bought a pair of Chirstmas
boots, a little tatty and baggy, but I cannnot help it...

The most important thing is for potential customers
to know what my bootsholders are meant to achieve...

For the time being my price tags will be held by
commercially available tag holders. They look OK,
made of metals and plastics, but then I deal with

wooden artefatcs. So, I boughtsome materials
as you see above, so that I can put them together to
ke my own tag holders.

In fact, there are some other things I need to fabricate.

One of them, quite soon, I think, is the bootsholder
stand. Another is an array of wooden tubes, into
which I can insert things like spoons for display.

Tubes will be cut halfway down the height diagonally.
I should have bought them today!

So, for the next one week or so I will be pretty
much preocupied with things which are not normally
my line of work...

Still, I like the idea.

パエ-リャ 154

2008-12-08 16:24:48 | Weblog
Conchita, como estas?

Aqui, hace mucho frio, como ayer...
Ahora entonces, vamos?

Mi situacion seria vivir en una granja, y tener
una hamaca rodeada de vegetacion!

en persona

Siempre he querido tener hijos!

al principio

a principio de NANINANI

al poco lato

Ella prefiere evitar hablar de su vida privada!

si quieres saber algo de el

Lo siento, pero esto es todo lo que hay!

Honestamente, estoy siempre en un avion!

Es un gasto superfluo!

en numerosas occaciones

por alguna oscura razon

Conchita, vamos ingles!

Pound has stayed put against American dollars

The lady at the reception referred me to you...

People are shy and inhibited!

a repair kit

We have a faulty traffic signal!

接触不良だわ! (電気関係で)
We have a doggy connection!

I can never get over you...

The thing I called you about is DOUNOKOUNO

ええ!? それって誤解よ!
Oh!, you are misunderstanding me!

I will go along with that!

This is something we keep going over...

Conchita, let us call it a day, shall we?
Take care!

Contact free cutlery, bootsholders

2008-12-07 16:36:40 | Weblog
I just let it pass, that is, yesterday. It is not
that I did not do anything.

I think I will do a bit of busines with a newly
opened shop, about which I may talk about a little
more with images.

I went to that shop yesterday and had a chat about
our common interests. My problem that I do not have
a variety of things to display in that shop.

The only tangible things I can think of at the moment
are my bootsholders. However, most of them had an insiginia
from my earlier business.

So, I had to get rid of those and what follows is the
result. There are 15 of these and some will end up
in the new shop. Some others, I hope, will end up

in another shop in the area, hopefully...

I also continued with my beasts. Conchi, as I told you
I need lots and lots of them, as gifts as well as
sales items!

Same actually goes to this. It is a beans mixer. You may
not be able to see it clearly, but there is a hole
at the handle end. A simple thing like this must have an accent

somewhere, and it is my gut-feeling...

On the other hand I think of this, too. Have contact free
butter knives side by side with contact free beans mixers?
Am I going mad?

Anyway, seen below is my purchase of today. They are all meant
for the new shop, holding up price tags on the shelf.
If this goes well I will have a little room for respiration...

My former associate was made redundant. I am deeply
in a thinking mode.. Another former associate wants
to keep a goat...

Things are looking differently now. It is about
time I had a new rethinking about the whole aspect
of my own operation...

パエ-リャ 153

2008-12-07 16:36:15 | Weblog
Cnchita, como estas?

Hace mucho frio aqui...
Pero, hace sol, agradamente...

las mas perigrosas del mundo junto a las de Nigeria,
tras desplazar al Estrecho de Malaca

dentro de poco

la vacuna contra la caries

sonyar con una vida simple

la situacion que le rodea

Estaria encantado de vivir en campo!

a pie

de pie

a plazos

poco a poco

dentro de poco

Conchita, desde aqui vamos ingles!

They are in Barcelona on their first leg
of their journey!

That said, I now want to talk about NANINANI!

a water logged field

What inspired you to do that!?

Things are looking up!

It is done to perfection!

Roast beef?, no, ghost bef!

Do not get me wrong!

I think that proves the point!

They gang up and make a lot of trouble!

I knew this was coming!

Conchi, let us call it a day?
Take care!

Handmade wooden cutlery

2008-12-05 16:40:30 | Weblog
Conchita, you know things do go worng, all the time.
It must have been one of those days today...

I am right now heavily under the weather...
I am not going to tell you what it is about,
but I am suffering from it.

Deep at the far back of my mind, I hear somebody
shouting "es la vida!", per no estoy seguro...

At times in life all the energy suddenly seems starting
to web away. Will it come back, ever? When they come,
they do appear to emerge out of the blue, do they not?

I would be rambling on, though...

It might be time some of these got coated. Ideally, I want
some of the dinosaurs, but then, would I care now?
No estoy seguro... No estoy seguro de nada...

Here, a new beans slicer. One in the middle is today's.
It does look similar to those on either side.

However, this one shows that the one in the middle has a beak,
as it were, so that instead of the thing slicing
through the sticky beans it is expected that the beak

will push a bulk of the eans, if you want to, that is and if you
grab this thing in the right way. I might as well coat it,

before I use it in real situation...

Will tommorrow be better? What might be looming over the horizen?
If ever, at all...

パエ-リャ 153

2008-12-05 16:40:02 | Weblog
Conchita, como estas?

Creo que mi blog es algo para ti!
Aqui, hace viento, muy fuerte, y lloviendo,
con los truenos, tambien!

Entonces, vamos?

El disparo en defensa propia!

al usuario

segun los testigos

Hasta donde sabemos, todo parece indicar que NANINANI!

antes esta situacion

en las aguas de Somalia

por el momento

por mi parte

por otra parte

de paso

a pesar de NANINANI

Conchi, vamos ingles!

I tried several times to get on the line
without success

I have been along several times to that meeting!

Give me a ring on this number!

I have got Joyce waiting to talk!

I am beginning to get over it!

Nobody I have spoken to does not seem
to know about it!

OK!, I stand to be corrected!

I would like people miss my personality
when I am gone!

I may have put my foot in it!

He is through to the final!

Conchi, that should suffice for now.
Take care!

Contact free knives, spoons, forcs

2008-12-04 16:35:42 | Weblog
As of last night I was pretty much sure that
the pegs were firmly fixed. The problem this morning was
how I was going to make a hollow concave.

I looked around in my workshop. A few different bits came
to my mind. Problem is you never know until
you have done it.

My guestimate turned out to be right, though...
Take a look at this image below.

A hollow concave is there!

I placed an egg over it. Fitting is not yet exactly right,
but that can be fixed later as I please.

Above is showing you the bit, the sanding bit I used.
Its diam. is something like that that of an egg.
I opted for sanding, because I could not think of

any other options... I will come on to that.

Incidentally, the bit at the front is one I use for
making concaves with pretty much everything, including
spoons and bean curd mixers.

Above schematics showing you part of my lines o thought.

I did not want A, because pegs are already
discontinuities, like quantum steps. Of course,
you cannot help it as they are dispersed.

To secure some resemblance to continuity in kind means
you want the top of each peg following the imaginary
curvature in space, as shown with B.

The sanding bit I used was ideal for this. Time?
Surprisingly small, just 5 minutes? I am guessing that
the whole assembly can be completed in 20 minutes,

that is apart from coating, and I do not take my
coating time and cost into the eventual selling price.

This egg thing, I am sure, will fetch a minimum of JPY
1,000 a piece. Why? It is the quality of my coating and
the material used in addition to my care throughout...

I did other things too, forc-kives above.

Above? Renwed attempt at the beans mixer. Two assemblies
are now drying in my computer room, for tommorrow.

These, too. Bean curd beaters and some contact free
dinosaurs. When the beasts reach 50, or thereabout
I will start coating of the current lot.

After that?, it is all Merry Christmas and I might have a short spell of doing nothing...

After all that, it is the new year's festivities.
I might deserve something unusual...

パエ-リャ 152

2008-12-04 16:35:02 | Weblog
Conchita, como estas?

Ahora mismo, aqui hace buen tiempo.
Hoy, Tengo nada que anyadir!

Los indios confundieron al pesquero con
un barco pirata!

por mi parte

para clarificar su papel

casi con toda seguridad

la nacion insular de Kiribati


Los datos aportados por el supervivientes
apoya esta hipotesis

a menudo

a merced de NANINANI

mientras tanto

de todos modos

de modo que DOUNOKOUNO

Conchi, vamos ingles!

Time now for another cup of coffee!

There has been a lot of things said about it!

Most definitely!

It all got a bit stuck!

Who is to say that!?

There is no room for dispute about that!

Am I right in thinking DOUNOKOUNO!?

Do you stagger out of your bed and leave the house
without breakfast in the moning?

Toss a coin and see which way it comes down

The only remnant that is left of it is NANINANI!

Conchita, that is the lot for now. Take care!

Contact free cutlery, spoons, chopstics

2008-12-03 16:51:18 | Weblog
I had a full day, very nearly...

You cannot just go on doing the same thing
day in and day out. So, I tried something new.
Here, below, I am trying to make a series of holes
with my milling machine.

It is all experimental and the material used is
one next to useless, that is, something from
one of those conifer things, I think.

The idea is there, though. This might just become an
egg holder, with the egg held sideways on top of
the thicket of the pegs you see on the right.

These pegs are also left-overs from my earlier work.

Here, pegs are in place. With this mini project I had
foreseen three problems.

1. Peg density
2. Peg positioning
3. Peg resilience to external forces

There is not much I can do wth 1. The base plate is
limited in area, unless I opt for thinner pegs.

Peg positioning was surrisingly easy. No details

The last item on the agenda turned out to be real enough.
Mind you, peg have simply been struck into the holes.

The protrusion above the base plate is kept at 20 mm,
uniform over the area. So, you want a concave made into
the thicket of the pegs.

Use any one of your sanding things and you find that
pegs cannot resist the forces and they are rendered useless.

I will come on to that with the last image for today.

A lot of time was spent on bringing the dinosaurs-to-be to
something akin in appearance to dinosaurs. The point here is
that the population is growing. That is the main thing.

I counted them and there are 25 here. I need to have close to
60 of them, as Chirstmas gifts. It will take a few more days,
boring you to hell with the imagees. My apologies...

Above?, yes, just released from clumping effected yesterday,
ready to be worked on.

With a lot like this in front of me I can do a few things.
Play idle, just keep on smoking, doing nothing, not
wanting to get on with them, just looking at them ...

If you cannot find reasons for not doing anything about them
(because it is going to be a lot of hard work!), then you
resign yourself to your fate and get on with it, like I did today.

So, after a session lasting 90 minutes or so I had these
sitting in front of me...

I must be going mad with dinosaurs, too. I have an additional
lot of them at the far back, also just released from the clump.
I simply remembered that I had three different lots being

clumped for today (or days after...). I rushed up to my
computer room where clumpings take place, and sure enough!
I had another lot!

I hate my life, I really do! My ideal life msut be where I can
create a dozen different things each day. Will I ever have that
pot of luck? I am not sure...

Anyway, have a look at above. Pegs have been pulled out
and replanted into the holes after applying the adhesive
If they can stand up to the sort of forces tommorrow,

I might be feeling a little happier...

I bet somebody is going to use it as a soap placer, though...
It damn is an egg placer, an egg placer!, for God's sake!

パエ-リャ 151

2008-12-03 16:51:00 | Weblog
Conchita, como estas hoy? Animo!

Estoy muy bien, un poco ocupado de cosas, pero bien!
Aqui, hace buen timpo, sorpresa, no?
No viento, solo calor. Entonces, vamos?

al parecer

Se sabe que llego a Mexico con un visado de turista
en un vuelo precedente de Los Angeles!

el billete abierto

en la ruta Mexico-Tokio-SF-Tokio!

de igual manera

No puedo obligarle a nada!

estos asuntos

De momento requeria nada!

Tienes algun problema para no poder
regresar a tu pais?

No hay ningun problema!

por error

14 permanecen desaparecidos!

horas despues del secuestro

en centesimas de segundo!

Conchita, ya me voy a la lengua inglesa?

Let us just go along with that!

Parents mus descipline kids!

Something like that is a highly individualistic thing!

I think you are missing the point, though!

You invite the girl on a date for a meal!?

Have an impetus to want to get to know it!

It is the life you want at the prices you wat to pay!?

I do not know what to make of it!

They are as much in danger!

It is a tonic!

I was repulsed by it all!

Conchita, that is it! Take care!